Given that private profiles are best, but not everyone has the time to make them, I figured the next best thing would be to change each hotspot so that at least it doesn't exactly match the publicly released profiles. I'm not sure if GB2 does this on the fly, but I feel given the recent situation anything you can do to decrease the risk of triggering server side checks the better.
Usage would be something like http://localhost/randomise/randomise.php?profile=w00tsFULLcobaltZulGrizz-Alliance072811.xml
Change the values in rand(10,30) to change the amount of variation added to each hotspot, I plucked this number out of thin air I'm not sure exactly how much randomness you could add before it breaks the profile.
$output = "";
$handle = @fopen($_GET['profile'], "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($buffer = fgets($handle, 4096)) !== false) {
$coords = array();
preg_match('/Hotspot X="(.+?)" Y="(.+?)" Z="(.+?)"/', $buffer, $coords);
if(!empty($coords)) {
foreach($coords as &$coord) {
$coord = (float) $coord + rand(10,30);
$buffer = preg_replace('/Hotspot X="(.+?)" Y="(.+?)" Z="(.+?)"/', 'Hotspot X="'.$coords[1].'" Y="'.$coords[2].'" Z="'.$coords[3].'"', $buffer);
$output .= $buffer;
if (!feof($handle)) {
echo "Error: unexpected fgets() fail\n";
$fp = fopen($_GET['profile'] . ' [randomised]', 'w');
fwrite($fp, $output);
Usage would be something like http://localhost/randomise/randomise.php?profile=w00tsFULLcobaltZulGrizz-Alliance072811.xml
Change the values in rand(10,30) to change the amount of variation added to each hotspot, I plucked this number out of thin air I'm not sure exactly how much randomness you could add before it breaks the profile.