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Screwing up the Market...


New Member
Feb 14, 2010
For those of you that are using gatherbuddy, I really hope you're using it correctly to sell your gathered goods. I'm not calling myself a pro, but I'm certainly not a noob when it comes to selling.

Theres nothing i hate more than seeing someone undercut me on the AH on a stack of... Lichbloom for example by nearly 6g. WTF. Thats a perfect way to flush your server's economy down the toilet, and minize your own proftis as well. The people doing this might not even be using GB or HB, but if you catch yourself doing this, you're ruining the economy and pissin A LOT of people off. I hate seeing the price of frost lotus be at 25g at the start of the day, and be at nearly 7g only hours later because some ignorant new botter gets excited when his bags are full and floods the AH with rediculous prices.

BE SMART and have patients. You'll rack up a ton more money and sell more things.
Just playing devil's advocate here, but if I'm grinding or questing along and pick up an epic or some herbs or ore that I don't want nor care about, I just throw the shit up at a big undercut to get it out of my inventory and into gold quick. Fast liquidity is good for people who don't really care about gold or don't need anymore at the moment. Just because someone throws up for less than you doesn't mean they are destroying the market, it could just mean they want gold fast.
Just playing devil's advocate here, but if I'm grinding or questing along and pick up an epic or some herbs or ore that I don't want nor care about, I just throw the shit up at a big undercut to get it out of my inventory and into gold quick. Fast liquidity is good for people who don't really care about gold or don't need anymore at the moment. Just because someone throws up for less than you doesn't mean they are destroying the market, it could just mean they want gold fast.

Oh I definitley understand that Ski, but you know those other people you see on the AH that AREN'T those quick buck people? You know... the other botters? Lol. I know what you mean, but there are those people who will post 20 stacks of icethorn for 5g less and so on. Those are the people I'm gettin at.
Agree with Ski, but people that flood the AH will soon get a ban for economy explotation, but people that buy GB want to make gold fast so they can do whatever they want even if it mean's screwing up the market that's what GB is for collecting resourses to make gold fast. Also there is no point complaining about it since no one will listen to you and there is a tonne of thread's like this all over this site.
There will never be more demand than supply, prices reflect this. Ive heard that several economic statements say that the ingame wow economics is more stable than the real world economics :)

If I could afford 100 gold bars, but noone to sell em too, what should I do with them?

You need to see the big picture ;)

I never undercut more than 1% and my eAuction ignores stacks less than 19. But I often have 300 auctions up.
I undercut by a large margin when I want to get quick gold, but only because I know if I undercut enough somebody will just buy it to repost it. Fine with me. I just want my 6 gold rather than my 9. My bank gets full, I have 10 playable toons on my server, I don't have bank alts to hold stuff so I can make a little bit more gold.
tbh i smelt my saronite into bars, vendor it, and sell my tita ores to a private buyer, all the eternals are saved up till i have xx stacks, then they are dumped in ah for around 50-75% of the cheapest buyout price.
I mean really, they sell within 2 hours, mostly all by the same person, most likely someone who thinks something as such: "omg what a retard lol" :D
i don't mean to be a butt, but stop crying and deal with it... if your servers economy is that bad, transfer out or try to coop with it. what do you think other botters are doing? it's not always about you
Just playing devil's advocate here, but if I'm grinding or questing along and pick up an epic or some herbs or ore that I don't want nor care about, I just throw the shit up at a big undercut to get it out of my inventory and into gold quick. Fast liquidity is good for people who don't really care about gold or don't need anymore at the moment. Just because someone throws up for less than you doesn't mean they are destroying the market, it could just mean they want gold fast.

Which in turn helps crash the market.
it sucks.. but what can ya do :(

Annoys me to when you see somenoe with the name "WSADZXQY" flood the AH with 5 pages of shit 25% the price of the next item.. it only takes 2 people doing that to destroy the market.. adn the rest tumbles after them..

Sucks but yeah.. not much ya can do really
If I feel I can list my auctions at a much lower cost than the currently lowest person I will.
I set a profit margin in my mind and providing I meet that margin I will list my items for that price, the reason being is if the difference is big enough you get people buying your auctions out thinking they they can "relist" them and make a larger profit. Unfortunately for those people it never really works out because I sit at the auction house all day until my GB is nearly 100% empty.

Some of you will turn round and complain that this is not right and that I should increase my prices to match that of the others, well, I never will. My goal here is to make gold quickly and efficiently in order to sell it. I do not have to treat the other botters as an equal to me simply because they are my competition, just like the real world I am forced to use a tactical strategy in order to sell my goods.

Also, in regards to auction flooding, that is just stupid and will ultimately lead to a ban anyway. The people that do this are usually in it to make a fast buck thinking they are unstoppable, well unfortunately Blizzard usually comes down hard on people like this quite frequently.

Anyway this is just my concept on the whole "screwing up the market" thing, you can either take notice that there will be more people like me who are running their bot like a business with a proper business strategy or you can sit in a world where you think botters will help and support each other inside the game.
Proper business stratergy ??

You should be trying to make teh AH prices as high as possible..

You gather goods > sell at AH at stupidly low prices > entire economy sinks > people who need to buy gold wont buy as much

You gather goods > sell at AH at higher price > economy stays bright > people who need to buy gold will buy more

We were price fixing on one of my servers for a long time.. then another botter came in.. he must have had a few bots running.. he caused prices to drop like a shit riding a brick..

It only takes 2-3 botters like you on a server to DESTROY the economy.. aswell as profit margins

Well my 2 cents anyways.
You gather goods > sell at AH at higher price > economy stays bright > people who need to buy gold will buy more
That concept is an excellent one if I were selling gear, weapons or other things like vanity items.

How ever common resources such as herbs and ore will probably only encourage a very small percentage of people to buy more gold, the ones that do go ahead and buy gold probably would do so regardless of what they were buying.

It is wrong to assume that me increasing my prices by 4 gold or what ever amount I undercut by to match that of the other sellers is going to increase the gold demand.
That concept is an excellent one if I were selling gear, weapons or other things like vanity items.

How ever common resources such as herbs and ore will probably only encourage a very small percentage of people to buy more gold, the ones that do go ahead and buy gold probably would do so regardless of what they were buying.

It is wrong to assume that me increasing my prices by 4 gold or what ever amount I undercut by to match that of the other sellers is going to increase the gold demand.

QFT :D (filler)
You could try to "control" the AH in small areas like peaceblooms, and try to keep a steady price by buying out others that undercuts you. should pick a high demand herb ofc.
Im not saying its easy and everyone will buy gold tomorrow, just that every bit counts towards the final goal.