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Saw my own ban


New Member
Jan 31, 2012
Hi guys just got banned for 72 hours (last warning ban),

first of all: me leeching about 2 years now I just want to say thank you for all the nice profiles, so THANKS! :)

So here's my story: Just started few weeks ago played cata before. Now pandaria was new adventure, i was optimistic to lvl active. But after a few lvls it just took me crazy spending several hours on lvling and that was so odd. So i decided to get this done by good old honorbuddy. after farming for about 1 week 18/24 and 6 hours playing i decided to get a new character to lvl 90. so i just started farming pvp honour for heirlooms. so i changed 18/24 farming into bgbuddy. yesterday i just got the last honour for complete heirloom. so i bought the last stuff and played a shaman to lvl 15 by hand. Then i decided to do Golden dailys for rep, also by hand, i actually was like 24/24 online the last couple of days. So while doing the dailys i just go portet back to my position where i was 10 sec ago. I remembered this from posts here to be a check for botting. So i just cept calm and invited a friend in my group, discussing about this resetting of position like "oh lol just happend again weird shit" "whats going on" also in /s and /1 "is there any problem with the server im getting resets whole time" so after 30-40 resets really was like 2 sec reset etc, was horrible, i decided to logg out and logged in with my bank character, i just mailed stuff etc. After 2 mins i got logged out to logging-in screen, i was time banned, check emails usual shit. I immediatly tried to recovery, live chat and ticket, but no chance, so just got to wait the 3 days. They said that this wasnt just the check cause that i got banned, they just watched at me for longer time, whatever.

So thats my story, maybe one should not use the bot and play for 24/24. But i see no chance to avoid the ban if they "hunt" you. Whatever i had no chance to avoid it. Seems like a ban wave, friend of mine just got perma few days ago, better should have stopped botting at that time, but i think i was lucky to just get banned for 72 hours.

hope youll do it better than me ;)
But they will never stop jeffrey :)

See you guys