I've recently started to use bots again on World of Warcraft and I've been wondering how to shield my primary account from getting banned, in case my secondary account gets caught.
Currently I have two different computers and obviously two accounts with different details. I bought CD-keys from retail store and I've never logged or interacted with my secondary account on my primary computer. Both computers are behind NAT so they share the same public IP address. I'm not exactly sure how warden detection works, but I believe it has something to do with hardware imprint, so techinally Blizzard can't prove I am responsible for the actions of my secondary account, right?
Another thing is how can I trade items between these two accounts without compromising my primary account? Is it even possible or should I just forget about it?
And I don't need advice on how to avoid getting caught. I assume I do get caught at some point (massbans etc), and when that happens, I don't want to get my primary account banned too, as I am currently a leader of a quite succesfull PvE guild and if I would get banned, it would probabably be the end for the guild.
Thanks in advance,
-- Molt
Currently I have two different computers and obviously two accounts with different details. I bought CD-keys from retail store and I've never logged or interacted with my secondary account on my primary computer. Both computers are behind NAT so they share the same public IP address. I'm not exactly sure how warden detection works, but I believe it has something to do with hardware imprint, so techinally Blizzard can't prove I am responsible for the actions of my secondary account, right?
Another thing is how can I trade items between these two accounts without compromising my primary account? Is it even possible or should I just forget about it?
And I don't need advice on how to avoid getting caught. I assume I do get caught at some point (massbans etc), and when that happens, I don't want to get my primary account banned too, as I am currently a leader of a quite succesfull PvE guild and if I would get banned, it would probabably be the end for the guild.
Thanks in advance,
-- Molt