I've always wondered why no one seems to talk about the following strategy (which I have never personally used, but I would if I sold gold):
Deliver face to face, but before you give over the gold have a brief conversation with the buyer. Pretend that you know each other in real life. Stuff like...
"hey man, how's jack doing? Did he recover from that car wreck?"
"dude, Mike's wedding was a blast!! Here's that gold I wanted to give you"
This way it looks like you know the buyer in real life. If Blizzard bans your account you simply call them up, and scream at them like a pyscopath. Say stuff like:
"I will give your virtual currency to my real life friends any time I damn well please, you sick, control freak, communist tyrants. You will not dare ban me, as a PAYING CUSTOMER, for being kind to my friend in your virtual world that is just a GAME FOR FUN".
I mean seriously, who is Blizzard to tell you what your allowed to do?
I started this thread partially as a joke, but also to lay out my opinion. My overall opinion is that botting & selling gold are ridiculous reasons to be banned from this videogame & do not affect any other players' experience in more negative ways then positive (trust me there are tons of benefits that your server receives from you botting all day long). Clearly, some people feel that buying gold & having a life is a better option then giving up their existence to farm currency in a virtual world all day. Otherwise the market would not exist.
Now the thread has turned into an interesting debate.
Deliver face to face, but before you give over the gold have a brief conversation with the buyer. Pretend that you know each other in real life. Stuff like...
"hey man, how's jack doing? Did he recover from that car wreck?"
"dude, Mike's wedding was a blast!! Here's that gold I wanted to give you"
This way it looks like you know the buyer in real life. If Blizzard bans your account you simply call them up, and scream at them like a pyscopath. Say stuff like:
"I will give your virtual currency to my real life friends any time I damn well please, you sick, control freak, communist tyrants. You will not dare ban me, as a PAYING CUSTOMER, for being kind to my friend in your virtual world that is just a GAME FOR FUN".
I mean seriously, who is Blizzard to tell you what your allowed to do?
I started this thread partially as a joke, but also to lay out my opinion. My overall opinion is that botting & selling gold are ridiculous reasons to be banned from this videogame & do not affect any other players' experience in more negative ways then positive (trust me there are tons of benefits that your server receives from you botting all day long). Clearly, some people feel that buying gold & having a life is a better option then giving up their existence to farm currency in a virtual world all day. Otherwise the market would not exist.
Now the thread has turned into an interesting debate.
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