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Safest Method to sell gold: My theory


New Member
Jan 1, 2012
I've always wondered why no one seems to talk about the following strategy (which I have never personally used, but I would if I sold gold):

Deliver face to face, but before you give over the gold have a brief conversation with the buyer. Pretend that you know each other in real life. Stuff like...

"hey man, how's jack doing? Did he recover from that car wreck?"
"dude, Mike's wedding was a blast!! Here's that gold I wanted to give you"

This way it looks like you know the buyer in real life. If Blizzard bans your account you simply call them up, and scream at them like a pyscopath. Say stuff like:

"I will give your virtual currency to my real life friends any time I damn well please, you sick, control freak, communist tyrants. You will not dare ban me, as a PAYING CUSTOMER, for being kind to my friend in your virtual world that is just a GAME FOR FUN".

I mean seriously, who is Blizzard to tell you what your allowed to do?


I started this thread partially as a joke, but also to lay out my opinion. My overall opinion is that botting & selling gold are ridiculous reasons to be banned from this videogame & do not affect any other players' experience in more negative ways then positive (trust me there are tons of benefits that your server receives from you botting all day long). Clearly, some people feel that buying gold & having a life is a better option then giving up their existence to farm currency in a virtual world all day. Otherwise the market would not exist.

Now the thread has turned into an interesting debate.
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I mean seriously, who is Blizzard to tell you what your allowed to do?
Are you for real?

You're a user of their service(s), of which you pay a monthly fee for the privilege. Paying said fee does not mean you can use their service however you want, nor does it give you carte blanche to do whatever you like in-game. You are, like everyone else, and like every other service, bound by their terms and conditions. Terms and conditions which I shouldn't have to remind you that you agreed to by signing up.

So, who are they to tell you what you're allowed to do? The very people who gave you the choice to agree to use their service in a particular way, or GTFO. You chose the former.
This way it looks like you know the buyer in real life. If Blizzard bans your account you simply call them up, and scream at them like a pyscopath. Say stuff like:
"I will give your virtual currency to my real life friends any time I damn well please, you sick, control freak, communist tyrants. You will not dare ban me, as a PAYING CUSTOMER, for being kind to my friend in your virtual world that is just a GAME FOR FUN".

I mean seriously, who is Blizzard to tell you what your allowed to do?
First of all; Blizzard is the owner of the game and everything in it. That's why they can do everything they damn well please with whatever is in the game.
Second; yeah man. I heard the best way to get someone to help you is by cursing, yelling, calling them names and insulting them. How has that worked for you in life so far?
I got banned selling gold to my RL friend and Real ID as well.. I've ticketed in like 20 times.. they wont give it back. :(
you say: Safest Method to sell gold: My theory
I see: How do I sell gold without being banned
you say: Safest Method to sell gold: My theory
I see: How do I sell gold without being banned

Nope, I simply wanted to share my opinion. I have already done alot of research on various opinions about safe selling strategies. Everyone has a story about how these strategies have failed.

What really disturbs me about the above replies is the general mindset of all the "You agreed to Blizzard's TOS & they own the game so they can do whatever they want". Try to follow me on this, I am truly not attempting to be arrogant or "cool" here....

Everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Honestly what proof is it to Blizzard that you are guilty of breaking their TOS because you determined to give your gold away? They have absolutely zero proof that you are selling gold. There is literally no way for them to prove such a thing has happened. Even if one of the parties in the transaction opened a ticket to say "I just bought gold from (fill in blank)" or "I just sold gold to (fill in blank)" even this is not enough proof. Somebody could be lieing, right?

The fact is that Blizzard does abuse their product's service through a ridiculous legal loophole that only their millions of dollars are able to buy. If I paid money to use the service of a waterpark, and the waterpark kicked me out because another customer said that I was peeing in the pool, I would defend myself. Obviously the water park would have to have proof before they kicked me out of their service providing establishment, otherwise they would be facing a potential lawsuit.

Blizzard does not need any proof to do what they want because they know they have the upper hand & can litigate their way to victory against any customers who would dare bring lawsuit.

This is just one angle of argument against their ridiculous TOS. If I'm playing in a video arcade and I win 100 tickets I can sell those tickets to another video arcade customer if I damn well please because the owner of that video arcade gives up their right to those tickets. This is because I gave up my right to the money I paid for those tickets. All commerce exchanging transactions must be able to prove that each party in a transaction is receiving something of value. Additionally, per GAAP a business cannot recognize revenue on its books unless it can prove that it has relinquished all rights to its products or substantially met the promises of its services.

It Blizzard is able to just say at anytime "Well I'm going to remove you this service that you paid for because I said so" then they have not substantially met the accounting principle guidlines for recognizing revenue. They obviously never issue a refund to all of those people who are banned.

Additionally, it should be noted that their game exists purely because of customer support. What a ridiculous business practice they have to take away the service they have already promised to me because they believe I have broken their "rules", yet without a shred of evidence to prove such a claim.

I guess I just believe in standing up for myself and what I believe is reasonable. I don't allow Blizzard to dictate to me what is reasonable.
You do allow Blizzard to dictate to you what is reasonable.

The difference between the waterpark and Blizzard's service is that you signed a binding, contract (go read the EULA lol) saying that Blizzard has the express right to do basically whatever they like with your account, including locking and banning the account for no reason whatsoever.

Whether or not you like it doesn't matter - you already agreed to let them dictate to you the second you clicked agree. Bitching about it isn't going to change the decision you already made. You allow them to do it. You agreed to let them do it. And when your account is banned trying this 'method', you will not get it back, no matter how much you cry.

The EULA is unreasonable, but by the same token, you're talking about making money by cheating in a video game. Don't try to act so self-righteous. Botting -is- cheating, and getting banned for being caught, while it sucks, is honestly pretty reasonable.

EDIT: Also, their proof is fairly solid in cases where you're selling to the Chinese. They use a slate, standard set of VPNs to operate, and get banned regularly. It doesn't matter what kind of conversation you're having (which is RARELY looked at in an account investigation), what matters is that you dropped 450k gold to a known gold-service IP.

If you don't want to get banned, do like everyone else who's ever sold gold: work with private buyers, and invest in a vanilla throwaway account for large transactions. It's not difficult. It doesn't even cost that much.

Given that you just joined us in January, you should probably hold off and do a little bit more research before you start trying to sell any gold. You're going to get yourself in trouble otherwise.
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Hey guys I got an opinion on something and like to write in to customer service people like an American on holiday.
Here is my analogy with something that has nothing to do at all with what I'm talking about.
Also I'm too cool to let big companies push me around and I'll stand up to them, right after I finish paying taxes on bailing out big banks/motor car companies anyone else who was "too big to fail".

End script.
Clicking I agree to a computer program does not equate to a signature on a contract, this was proven when a judge set a legal precedent in a legal dispute against adobe in which he stated exactly this.
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Hey guys I got an opinion on something and like to write in to customer service people like an American on holiday.
Here is my analogy with something that has nothing to do at all with what I'm talking about.
Also I'm too cool to let big companies push me around and I'll stand up to them, right after I finish paying taxes on bailing out big banks/motor car companies anyone else who was "too big to fail".

End script.
Do everyone in the world a favor and quit the freaking trolling.
Yes that will work great if its obvious that you have earned the gold legitimately. The flag will be raised on your account when you make this large transfer, then Im only assuming that they will take a quick glance at your account activity. If you are farming uldum for 20 hours a day and have hundreds of active auctions then you just go and give all the funds to someone you have never even spoken to in game Im pretty sure even the dumbest employee could work out that you are breaking the rules.
Yes that will work great if its obvious that you have earned the gold legitimately. The flag will be raised on your account when you make this large transfer, then Im only assuming that they will take a quick glance at your account activity. If you are farming uldum for 20 hours a day and have hundreds of active auctions then you just go and give all the funds to someone you have never even spoken to in game Im pretty sure even the dumbest employee could work out that you are breaking the rules.

Circumstantial evidence that could never hold weight in a court of law with a judge & jury acting in a reasonable manner. Seriously that is totally circumstantial and means nothing.
Clicking I agree to a computer program does not equate to a signature on a contract, this was proven when a judge set a legal precedent in a legal dispute against adobe in which he stated exactly this.

Thanks for your response. I am not familiar with this case, could you provide a link to some documentation?
you know someone who is 10000 kilometers (or even more) away from you? cool story.

Listen, I am not here to make fun of you, but honestly your comment makes you sound like your both biased and uniformed. Many of us have friends outside of WoW who live in other countries, etc. & we can play WoW together.

You do realize this, yes?
Clicking I agree to a computer program does not equate to a signature on a contract, this was proven when a judge set a legal precedent in a legal dispute against adobe in which he stated exactly this.

I take it you're talking about SoftMan LLC v. Adobe, which while a EULA is involved, has absolutely no impact on anything relevant to WoW account closures.

Softman LLC is a third-party software distributor. They bought bulk copies of Adobe products and sold them for cheaper than Adobe's authorized distributors. Adobe sued, arguing that under their EULA, resale of their product was forbidden without an express distribution license. They lost the case because SoftMan never opened or used the product and thus were not bound by the EULA.

If you never opened your copy of WoW and never turned on your account, congrats, they can't remove your access to their servers. Now if you installed WoW, clicked agree, and then got online. Guess what. You're bound by the EULA like a contract.

Take two minutes to research your point before you make yourself look like an imbecile.

You should also look at Davidson & Associates v. Internet Gateway Inc, a more recent ruling that is even more restrictive than the SoftMan case.

Circumstantial evidence that could never hold weight in a court of law with a judge & jury acting in a reasonable manner. Seriously that is totally circumstantial and means nothing.
That would be cool and all, if it were illegal for Blizzard to terminate access to your account. It isn't. Man the fuck up, you're cheating at a video game. When it's obvious you're cheating, they remove access to your account. I don't know what kind of stupidity you're subscribing to, except that you seem to think you have a right to cheat. You don't. Grow up, realize there are consequences to being caught, and deal with them like a man.

You're bound by the EULA because you agreed to be bound by the EULA. Your options are either deal with it or stop playing, and if you're going to carry this sort of whiny attitude into botting, I recommend the latter.

Giggs can't provide you with any documentation for his inane claim, because he's completely clueless, uneducated on the issue, and ignorant to reality. You two seem to have a lot in common.

You don't have a lot of room to call someone else biased and uniformed in a thread you created because you have no idea what you're talking about.
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Circumstantial evidence that could never hold weight in a court of law with a judge & jury acting in a reasonable manner. Seriously that is totally circumstantial and means nothing.

If you feel that your wow account is worth the astronomical lawyers fees to go to court and try your argument then go for it by all means. Blizzard does what it does because it can. Simple.

If they felt like banning 100k accounts because they 'thought' they were botting they would...oh wait. They already did that back in the glider days. And no i am not looking up links anyone that's been around long enough will remember. It's a case of their ball their rules. Don't like it don't play.

Yes it's unfair, from your point of view anyway, but there you have it.
I take it you're talking about SoftMan LLC v. Adobe, which while a EULA is involved, has absolutely no impact on anything relevant to WoW account closures.

Softman LLC is a third-party software distributor. They bought bulk copies of Adobe products and sold them for cheaper than Adobe's authorized distributors. Adobe sued, arguing that under their EULA, resale of their product was forbidden without an express distribution license. They lost the case because SoftMan never opened or used the product and thus were not bound by the EULA.

If you never opened your copy of WoW and never turned on your account, congrats, they can't remove your access to their servers. Now if you installed WoW, clicked agree, and then got online. Guess what. You're bound by the EULA like a contract.

Take two minutes to research your point before you make yourself look like an imbecile.

You should also look at Davidson & Associates v. Internet Gateway Inc, a more recent ruling that is even more restrictive than the SoftMan case.

That would be cool and all, if it were illegal for Blizzard to terminate access to your account. It isn't. Man the fuck up, you're cheating at a video game. When it's obvious you're cheating, they remove access to your account. I don't know what kind of stupidity you're subscribing to, except that you seem to think you have a right to cheat. You don't. Grow up, realize there are consequences to being caught, and deal with them like a man.

You're bound by the EULA because you agreed to be bound by the EULA. Your options are either deal with it or stop playing, and if you're going to carry this sort of whiny attitude into botting, I recommend the latter.

Giggs can't provide you with any documentation for his inane claim, because he's completely clueless, uneducated on the issue, and ignorant to reality. You two seem to have a lot in common.

You don't have a lot of room to call someone else biased and uniformed in a thread you created because you have no idea what you're talking about.

Clearly you are intelligent and articulate. It confuses me how you can have these qualities, yet continue to argue your point of view. The basis of your argument lies in the fact that we (WoW players) all click a button, and therefore are bound to whatever rules Blizzard enacts.

There is such a thing as unreasonable & illegal contracts. I do not base my determination of what is acceptable purely on what various court rulings are, because as we all know, courts are not infallible. I am taking the stance that the EULA itself it ridiculous, and I do not need to abide by the terms of ridiculous contracts. The line must be drawn somewhere when it comes to contract law, and sometimes that line shifts about until a Supreme Court decision is made. Even that decision can be overturned someday in the future. This has happened multiple times in our country's history. See Pace vs. Alabama 1883 for a disgusting example of why even our court system is subject to foolishness.

I am arguing that the EULA is unreasonable, inappropriate for the type of service we are receiving, vague, and does not need to be followed. The basis of my argument goes beyond your basis. If you want to continue the debate, then stop using the "you clicked a button" argument.
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here is a way u wil never get baned

i own a level 25 guild in blackrok i sell about 900k gold a week and i invite them to guild and they take gold out and thats it have been doing it for 2 years now 900k a week am the boss.only bad problem is dam gold buyers only paying 35 dollars per k anyone got a god buyer i would pay u a sum of 50 dollars if u know a better buyer as i sell 900k a week