Most problem is: you can't flood the marked with too much of the same stuff or it just won't sell.
To get MAX PROFIT, you must control more and more markets.
What I recommend to maximise profits:
1. Farm outland to get enough adamantite + fel iron at AH. I meant always having 20 stacks of both bars and ore. Use
2. Farm northrend to get enough cobalt + adamantite at AH. I meant always having 20 stacks of both bars and ore of each. Use
3. Farm Kalimdor to get enough Whiptail, obsidium, elementium, cinderbloom, thorium, and mithril. As always, you must have always 20 stacks of everything, and both bars and ore of metals. Use
4. Farm Vashj'ir until you get enough Stormvine and Azshara's Veil. Remember that you must have 20 stacks of each, always. Use
5. Farm some obsidium with a MINING+JC char (for volatile air procs). Use
THIS PROFILE for that. You better have a JC char maxed with enough recipes, and an alchemy transmutation master. Prospect all the excedding ore obsidium and elementium. Transmute carnelian into inferno ruby (you will need some heartblossom), hessonite into ember topaz. Cut everything into all kinds of gems (they all sell good). Sell nightstone, jasper, and all other "green" quality gems at auction house. Cut good quality (blue quality) gems and sell them at the auction house.
6. have a miner + engineering char when gathering for obsidium to prospect.
Using the techinque above you can get about 25k/day with only one botting char 24/7. Chances of getting banned are very low if you bot smart.
keep in mind you must dominate the following markets (having about 20 stacks of it at the auction house at any time is my concept of domination of a market), as the stuff below is the easiest to get and most profitable at all. If you are not currently seling one of the items below, you are losing money for sure, as those things sell for a good buck, and pretty fast.
1. Obsidium ore
2. Obsidium bars
3. Elementium ore
4. Elementium bars
5. Hardened elementium bars
6. Cut gems (delicate, brilliant, bold, and all orange ones are the most important). Have about 3 of each at the AH at any time.
7. Fel iron ore
8. Fel iron bars
9. Adamantite ore
10. Adamantite bars
11. Nightmare vine, netherbloom, terocone, and ragveil (most profitable outland herbs).
12. Volatile life
13. Volatile air
14. Cobalt ore
15. Cobalt bars
16. Saronite ore
17. Saronite bars
18. Icethorn, goldclover, talandra's rose, and most nortrhend herbs.
19. Goldthorn, gromsblood, the only profitable vanilla herbs.
20. Thorium ore and bars
21. Mithril ore and bars
22. Concentration potions and mythical mana potions (the most profitable potions to do).
23. Khorium bars (sells for 150-200g each)
Forget about farming deepholme or twilight highlands. it is just not worth and too risky. (no way to make a megaroute). I do not recommend making flasks. Profit is too low.
All the above markets can be controlled with ONLY ONE 24/7 bot. I have done it for some time, and you can really do that easily with just some timing.
Expect 25k+ per bot per day (only one bot per server, tho, as you will flood all markets).