Interesting you should bring up Zygor's guides. I use his talent specs for all my toons, instead of the Talented plugin. I just set it up to add the talent points automatically as my toon levels and away I go. If I want to play by hand (well sort of, using a CC and Combat Bot anyway), I can pick a leveling area from the guide and off I go for a while. There are usually alternatives in both Kalimdor and EK.
But seriously, Wirello, you could switch to Combat on your rogue and level up the rest of the way in Outlands and then Northrend and beyond. I just wanted to go all the way with Subtlety so I went BG's at around 60 (actually, now that I think about it, went to BG's at 58 because I hate Outland with a passion except for gathering). I got the 60 gear shortly thereafter and had way more than enough honor points at 70 to get the full 70 PVP gear with tons left over. If you AFK bot BGs it doesn't really take as long as you might think. And it sure beats Outland.
Now that I'm 70, with artisan flying, I will level up to around 77 or 78 with Archaeology Buddy, then BG to grab the 80 PVP gear, then BG my way to 85 saving up honor points for 85 PVP gear (Ruthless, I think it is). It's just the path I chose mostly because I want to PVP this subtlety rogue at the higher levels. It's really why I built her. She can also farm honor, and convert some of it to JP for heirlooms and such along the way.
Just some thoughts. Take them for whatever they may be worth.