Hello Forum People! I've been thinking about getting the Honorbuddy bot for a few days already
! So im not gonna bot on my main account. Im gonna buy a CD Code collection (all exept MoP) and now i have some serious questions. If i farm like 20k gold, and i want to send it to my main is there any chance i can get banned. I thought i read in another forum that someone got banned because blizzard found 3rd party wow software on their computer. So if im gonna bot with a 2nd account, will i get banned with my main too? Or will i get in any complications with my main acc? (ofc im not gonna bot to obvious. Ill do it as its recommended in teh avoiding the banhammer thread). I already got a mail on my main account because they asid there's something weird with the gold amount on my account. It was after i bought 8k. So will i get both accounts banned during a ban wave, when i only use the bot on my secound account?
help would be apreciated!

help would be apreciated!