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Risk of getting banned using quest bot 1-90 Honorbuddy?

No, because bgbots are easier to detect since they always use almost the same pathing.
Do you know of any normal players who can play for 18 hours straight without taking any breaks whatsoever?

If you're planning on leaving the bot unsupervised, you're in for even more trouble. Kick's is by no means perfect, neither is any other questing system out there. Your toon WILL get stuck, and people WILL report you. I know people who actually camp spots where bots go through just to whisper them and report if they don't respond.

Quest botting is fine if you're planning on watching it and you'll manually stop the bot to do a dungeon run or something, just for the sake of variety.
Do you know of any normal players who can play for 18 hours straight without taking any breaks whatsoever?

If you're planning on leaving the bot unsupervised, you're in for even more trouble. Kick's is by no means perfect, neither is any other questing system out there. Your toon WILL get stuck, and people WILL report you. I know people who actually camp spots where bots go through just to whisper them and report if they don't respond.

Quest botting is fine if you're planning on watching it and you'll manually stop the bot to do a dungeon run or something, just for the sake of variety.
I see what you mean but surely quest botting is the most "innocent" of all bots?
Any bot usage can gives you ban, if you do it reckless enough. Just bot smart!

The easiest setup would be, to bot just like you would play by hand. Like questing for 2 hours, do 20min brake, then queue for a manual dungeon, some questing again, etc. Anything, which you would do by yourself.
There are plugins that will hearth if you haven't moved for too long. StuckDetector, I believe it was called.

I would recommend waiting until after they've fully investigated the Warden updates to bot. There's no point in risking your account.
after over 30 accounts banned, i can say that the real issue is player report.

I've only come across one trip automatic ban and I know how it's triggered, but it's not too hard to quest bot to 90.
Like Giwin said, player reports are huge. Yes, you'll get WoW vigilantes who will follow you and whisper you incessantly. Personally I've leveled three toons to 90 with no issues at all (no RAF, either). Just start the bot when you'd normally play, go off and do something productive, then stop it after three or four hours. Take a break for another hour, then start it up again. The end goal is to act as "human" as possible. Bots don't need potty breaks and a breath of fresh air, but people do. No, you won't hit max level as fast, but the chances of keeping the account intact are much better.
i've been botting dungeons 24/7 for like a week now, i bot 24/7 on 2 accounts for the last 3 months since i've been back playing. just switch shit up dont do the same thing 24/7. Dungeons i find safe because i solo grind them have 0 issues with them.

you can bot bg 24/7 but you have high chance of players reporting you. Dont ever farm herb/mine for more than 24 hours unlesss your using custom botbase that cant be found here on the forums. i've quested over 10 characters 1-90 no breaks never been banned for leveling. im a 24/7 botter and only been banned for gathering/grinding same area for more than 24 hours straight.

24/7 OR GO HOME you pay 15 usd for a month sub might as well use every damn min of it, no rules against not being able to use your subscription for the full amount of time YOU are paying for
24/7 OR GO HOME you pay 15 usd for a month sub might as well use every damn min of it, no rules against not being able to use your subscription for the full amount of time YOU are paying for
Damnit stop convincing me that running my bot 24/7 for mats is a good idea when right now I'm playing it safe by only gathering for a couple hours a day and running an AH bot for a similar amount of time.

The more I think about it, the more "balls to the wall" makes sense. You're not helping, Newb! :P
I always level up myself, but I can quest for hours actually, without doing anything else (something like 4-5 hours straight) and no one has ever accused me of botting, so reports only go down straight to getting stuck and so on. But 18 hours of only questing is just asking for ban.
there are so many of these threads, just use the search function, or simply browse, a million and one threads, the answer is always the same, no matter how much you bot, no matter which profile you use, you are taking the risk of getting banned, dont ever BGbot in my honest opinion, questing may or may not be safer, same with gathering, depends on the day, time, etc. You can bot for years and never get banned, or alternatively you can get banned the day you start. Just bot like you have 90% chance of being banned, no matter what though you will get banned eventually.