Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings - News - RuneScape. Is any one concerned that WoW could do the same?
omg it is imposible , they already tried that with honorbuddy and the bot is running fine. You can't sue all the botters, coz they would need massive recources to carry on law sue. for example i would like to see that in chaina how they track botterswell they said they are suing all the botters
09 November 2011
Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings
Recently, judgment was entered in Jagex’s favor at Court on every count in the case. We have to pay Jagex a significant sum of money, although we are not allowed to say exactly how much for legal reasons. We are also prevented by injunction from doing a number of things in the future, including developing botting software, helping other people develop or use botting software or talking about Jagex, the lawsuit or RuneScape. If we breach any of the conditions of the injunction (such as by developing new bot software or helping people cheat in RuneScape) we would have to pay Jagex at least $1,000,000.
Bot-Busting Update: Legal Proceedings - News - RuneScape. Is any one concerned that WoW could do the same?
the only thing that conerns me is what will happen when the transatlantic agreemen will finally be in place. i fear this wont be a good day for honorbuddy.