I personally bot on a computer that can't run WoW as well as it used to (after I took the whole thing apart from the keyboard down just to get to my fan to clear it out [stupid HP, and yes I did have to do that, theres not a panel on the bottom, trust me]). Because of that fact, I hate playing WoW because it is in fact too laggy, so I basically run one account for 8 hours straight, then put everything up on AH that I just farmed, then bot my second account 8 hours straight, and same with third. I have been botting for about 4 months now and no bans and no whispers or anything. I am AFK from my bots about 97% of the time, so anyone could whisper me. I just thank God for not being banned yet, for I have one goal to make from this whole escapade, then I will probably bot all accounts 24/7 and save up 214k gold then try and sell it all, netting me like 100 bucks an account (haha by the time I get that, that's what the gold prices are going to be like). The main thing to remember is that you don't bot on an account you wouldn't want to lose, even those I use that term strictly (maybe?) for you don't really want to lose any of your accounts, but, well, I am not sure on how exactly to say that. Why am I still typing? I am not sure. Why am I talking to myself? I am not sure. Why do I have tacos on my feet? I am not sure.