Is there a dedicated Rift key Farming Profile ?
I was thinking about a profile where it only does the "easy" bounties and skips all the dumb ones like the ones where you need to free people, taking the focus off horadric caches and completely
shifting it to Rift Keys-
We could easily reach sub 1 Minute per Bounty aka 60 Keys per hour with that and have enough keys for the entire season after a day or so ^^
I was thinking about a profile where it only does the "easy" bounties and skips all the dumb ones like the ones where you need to free people, taking the focus off horadric caches and completely
shifting it to Rift Keys-
We could easily reach sub 1 Minute per Bounty aka 60 Keys per hour with that and have enough keys for the entire season after a day or so ^^