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retaliate against blizzard

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New Member
Sep 30, 2011
Just thought this would be funny to post.. we should tell blizzard if you don't drop your lawsuit against honorbuddy we will tie up blizzard phone support and create mass tickets causing them to waste alot of time and money. You can easily bullshit with an agent for 30 minz while you supervise your bots and there website doesn't have bot protection for opening tickets and submitting surveys. Just an idea, i think they deserve it for keeping our unused game time on our banned accounts.
Just thought this would be funny to post.. we should tell blizzard if you don't drop your lawsuit against honorbuddy we will tie up blizzard phone support and create mass tickets causing them to waste alot of time and money. You can easily bullshit with an agent for 30 minz while you supervise your bots and there website doesn't have bot protection for opening tickets and submitting surveys. Just an idea, i think they deserve it for keeping our unused game time on our banned accounts.
YES by all means make it worse for us. make more people hate us. make more people aware that we exist so people know the FULL capability of what a bot is capable of.

its a bad idea, and nothing good will come of it.
lol well you can't get them to #$%^ off by being nice.. id hate to see honorbuddy give up 1st. nothing wrong with more people knowing about honorbuddy, these guys could use more funds haha. i can see why people might hate us for being an ass to blizzard but not for being botters. when que times, mats and gold prices increase, the haters will think twice.
lol well you can't get them to #$%^ off by being nice.. id hate to see honorbuddy give up 1st. nothing wrong with more people knowing about honorbuddy, these guys could use more funds haha. i can see why people might hate us for being an ass to blizzard but not for being botters. when que times, mats and gold prices increase, the haters will think twice.
thats why we're going to court, we dont need to much more then that. threats wont make them change their minds.
Hey guys let's turn this board into 4chan and call ourselves honorus and we will fight the evils that will prevent us from botting and making the price of gold worth nothing and dance around in a circle singing combya. Then we can really get blizzard to stop this silly willy lawsuit. Lets also all post in game "We are honorus, we are legion, we never forget, we only bot! Join us at thebuddyforum.com" Then when everyone finds out what a bot can do. We should all report each other and in a massive war to get more gold and when where done with that we take a shit and smoke us a nice ol' batch of heroin.

No but really, did you really think this was a good idea in your head or.... idk how you would even. idk.

Don't turn this forum into 4chan and reddit. I would rather not have any more people know about us really. The more there is the more the chance of being banned. Have you been to uldum? Botted a BG? Then you know there are already tomany.
Blizzard isn't doing anything wrong! they are maintaining their game, come on, any way you put it we are getting an unfair advantage. In my opinion blizzard is doing nothing wrong.
Just want to add this is a VIDEO GAME! It weighs NOTHING on real life.

But overall stick it to the man by reporting E V E R Y O N E YOU SEE!!!

Org? Sitting in the AH!? Cheating.
SW? Sitting at the bank AFK? Cheating.

"Tearing Blizzard GM's apart one ticket/report at a time"
Blizzard isn't doing anything wrong! they are maintaining their game, come on, any way you put it we are getting an unfair advantage. In my opinion blizzard is doing nothing wrong.
nope nothing wrong with that, but i've heard stories where blizzard waits until payments go through before they ban you and i have experienced this myself, they closed 4 accounts the next day i applied cata to them, they refuse to give me a 2nd chance on any account with 4 months prepaid game time and they recently closed a newer account that i just applied a 90 day and a 60 day code too and my other accounts which are on the same computer are about to expire, been botting alot longer and get unbanned 3 times in a row in the same month for botting while the new one with all the game time stacked on it doesnt get a 2nd chance.. coincedence? bad luck? idk
nope nothing wrong with that, but i've heard stories where blizzard waits until payments go through before they ban you and i have experienced this myself, they closed 4 accounts the next day i applied cata to them, they refuse to give me a 2nd chance on any account with 4 months prepaid game time and they recently closed a newer account that i just applied a 90 day and a 60 day code too and my other accounts which are on the same computer are about to expire, been botting alot longer and get unbanned 3 times in a row in the same month for botting while the new one with all the game time stacked on it doesnt get a 2nd chance.. coincedence? bad luck? idk
Not coincidence, you knew the risk.
lmao wtf kind of reply is that, just shutup meg

Ok the family guy reference and how blissfully unaware of how stupid this idea is, pretty much kills any glimmer of hope anyone has of having an intelligent conversation with you. You knew the risk of buying game time and then botting, blizzard makes it clear that if you bot they will ban you. I take it you are either very young and cant grasp the concept, or just very stupid.
Ok the family guy reference and how blissfully unaware of how stupid this idea is, pretty much kills any glimmer of hope anyone has of having an intelligent conversation with you. You knew the risk of buying game time and then botting, blizzard makes it clear that if you bot they will ban you. I take it you are either very young and cant grasp the concept, or just very stupid.

I'ma go with young and stupid. Since he wanted to resort to turning this forum in 4chan/reddit and start a flame war. Then went on to using a family guy reference.
you said
In my opinion blizzard is doing nothing wrong.
then i made my point about what i think they are doing wrong, and you leave some half wit reply that doesn't make any sense to what i said.. "not coincedence" <-- you made no point here and leave with this --> "you knew the risks" LOL? you know how old and lame it is hearing someone say that? and that was totally random..
and if you could have comprehended the entire post with that brilliant brain of yours you might have realised that i wasn't entirely serious
also i take it maybe your the one who is young and stupid since im sure anyone with an iq of atleast 80 can realise that preying on your own consumers is wrong.. try to comprehend this --> if i find a cheater playing my game and wait until they apply money to their account before i ban them in order to maximize my profit that is shady as hell and its stealing.
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btw whats wrong with using a family guy reference? maybe i should have made a reference from one of the shows you guys watch? so you think you can dance? glee? the voice? am i in the ball park lol?
also i take it maybe your the one who is young and stupid since im sure anyone with an iq of atleast 80 can realise that preying on your own consumers is wrong.. try to comprehend this --> if i find a cheater playing my game and wait until they apply money to their account before i ban them in order to maximize my profit that is shady as hell and its stealing.
It's not shady at all. You knew the risk of botting. They tell you right when you make and account that it's against the rules.
Can we see this thread locked please?

Nothing productive is going to come out of this conversation.
No Jacan I don't work for Blizzard. I do however know that your idea was a terrible, stupid idea and that this thread should have been finished when CodenameG told you its was a terrible stupid idea. You think you can halt the lawsuit of a multimillion dollar corporation by "clogging up their customer service"? Well you can't. And instead of acting out any anyone who tells you so, just leave it be.

Please lock this thread.
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