As I said, was not teleporting and have a catch limiter.
No you are not. I read your log, and you basically stayed in Basingstoke, UK.
Restricted response is a soft ban,
"Pokefarmer stops from now on to protect yourself from getting banned"
is not, and no, it has got nothing to do with any of your Pogo account, or the amount of pokestop or pokemon that you captured like what other people are wrongfully saying. You can switch to any other account and this nagging message will still be there.
The log you attached is about that message, not the soft ban, and I will try to explain.
Here is the no BS explanation:
That message appears after long use of PF. This is not calculated based on the amount of time that a PoGo account is being botted, but the amount of time that PF had been in use continuously. Once you reach that accumulated amount of time, the message will appear. It doesn’t matter if you switch to other account, it has got nothing to do with that specific Niantic account, but your buddy account.
The counter is included in your setting.json file in your cache folder. This is also where your other settings are stored, including your account and password, and starting location. When you switch to a different account, the only information that will change is your account name and password, and whatever you change in the settings, the rest will stay. The counter and the amount of waiting period is based on the farmbuddy security period, and this doesn't change. The only time that it change to present time and date is after you satisfied the waiting period. Deleting the file will also cause it to reset it to present date and time, but you will lose all the setting that you saved including your auth key. Then the nagging will go away.
Although it’s fairly easy to do, I cannot tell you how to manipulate it. After all, you can always choose to ignore the message. and continue. The developer included this as an added security feature, (with customer in mind hopefully). Realistically, no one should be able to play Pokemon for more than few hours continuously, let alone an entire day. But it is also annoying to receive this warning even after switching to a different account. “Why am I getting that message when I only started botting this account 30 mins ago?” you may ask. Again, I understand your frustration.
If you are not satisfied with my explanation, PM me. But from me, (and not the developer), that message is associated with the amount of time that PF is being used, and not specific to your account, (unless you only have one account).
Restricted access message is a soft ban. It is triggered when there are instances of pokemons fled, if you haven’t noticed. And PF is very good at recognizing the sign. How you got soft banned?, that has been discussed many times in this forum. But I can tell you this, the probability of an account getting a soft ban is higher when the same account using the same IP address had previously received soft bans in the past.