Please Help
Pokefarmer Not Working all times Failed " [21:23:39] [Pokefarmer]: Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours. "
[21:20:58] Welcome to Pokefarmer.
[21:20:58] Connecting to map
[21:20:58] Connection established successfully on port 52368
[21:20:58] Checking version
[21:21:00] Current version is
[21:21:01] Connection established. Update default location...
[21:21:01] Finished. Pokefarmer is ready to start.
[21:21:13] Connecting to login servers...
[21:21:14] Connecting to game servers...
[21:21:15] Download player info...
[21:21:16] Download game settings...
[21:21:17] Download player inventory...
[21:21:18] Connection established.
[21:21:18] Started
[21:21:25] Looting Richmond Park - You Are Here
[21:21:26] Looting pokestop b99441b3d5644f929eb36e5a33a89554.16 failed. Trying again.
[21:22:45] Stopped
[21:22:54] Connecting to login servers...
[21:22:56] Connecting to game servers...
[21:22:57] Download player info...
[21:22:58] Download game settings...
[21:22:58] Download player inventory...
[21:22:59] Connection established.
[21:22:59] Started
[21:23:04] Trying to catch Pokemon Staryu CP(384) IV(84) with Ultraball...
[21:23:04] Curve ball and Excellent-Hit!
[21:23:05] Pokemon Staryu fled.
[21:23:08] Trying to catch Pokemon Goldeen CP(583) IV(42) with Ultraball...
[21:23:08] Curve ball and Great-Hit!
[21:23:09] Pokemon Goldeen fled.
[21:23:12] Trying to catch Pokemon Mr. Mime CP(580) IV(51) with Ultraball...
[21:23:12] Straight ball and Great-Hit!
[21:23:13] Pokemon Mr. Mime fled.
[21:23:23] Trying to catch Pokemon Weedle CP(113) IV(22) with Ultraball...
[21:23:23] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:24] Pokemon Weedle fled.
[21:23:33] Trying to catch Pokemon Rattata CP(158) IV(60) with Ultraball...
[21:23:33] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:33] Pokemon Rattata fled.
[21:23:39] Trying to catch Pokemon Caterpie CP(10) IV(9) with Ultraball...
[21:23:39] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:39] Pokemon Caterpie fled.
[21:23:39] [Pokefarmer]: Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours.
Pokefarmer Not Working all times Failed " [21:23:39] [Pokefarmer]: Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours. "
[21:20:58] Welcome to Pokefarmer.
[21:20:58] Connecting to map
[21:20:58] Connection established successfully on port 52368
[21:20:58] Checking version
[21:21:00] Current version is
[21:21:01] Connection established. Update default location...
[21:21:01] Finished. Pokefarmer is ready to start.
[21:21:13] Connecting to login servers...
[21:21:14] Connecting to game servers...
[21:21:15] Download player info...
[21:21:16] Download game settings...
[21:21:17] Download player inventory...
[21:21:18] Connection established.
[21:21:18] Started
[21:21:25] Looting Richmond Park - You Are Here
[21:21:26] Looting pokestop b99441b3d5644f929eb36e5a33a89554.16 failed. Trying again.
[21:22:45] Stopped
[21:22:54] Connecting to login servers...
[21:22:56] Connecting to game servers...
[21:22:57] Download player info...
[21:22:58] Download game settings...
[21:22:58] Download player inventory...
[21:22:59] Connection established.
[21:22:59] Started
[21:23:04] Trying to catch Pokemon Staryu CP(384) IV(84) with Ultraball...
[21:23:04] Curve ball and Excellent-Hit!
[21:23:05] Pokemon Staryu fled.
[21:23:08] Trying to catch Pokemon Goldeen CP(583) IV(42) with Ultraball...
[21:23:08] Curve ball and Great-Hit!
[21:23:09] Pokemon Goldeen fled.
[21:23:12] Trying to catch Pokemon Mr. Mime CP(580) IV(51) with Ultraball...
[21:23:12] Straight ball and Great-Hit!
[21:23:13] Pokemon Mr. Mime fled.
[21:23:23] Trying to catch Pokemon Weedle CP(113) IV(22) with Ultraball...
[21:23:23] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:24] Pokemon Weedle fled.
[21:23:33] Trying to catch Pokemon Rattata CP(158) IV(60) with Ultraball...
[21:23:33] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:33] Pokemon Rattata fled.
[21:23:39] Trying to catch Pokemon Caterpie CP(10) IV(9) with Ultraball...
[21:23:39] Curve ball and Nice-Hit!
[21:23:39] Pokemon Caterpie fled.
[21:23:39] [Pokefarmer]: Restricted response from game server. Please try again in 12 hours.