I have found spot where to get easy Lovely Charms in "ULDUM" 45.98 on the TOp tower on mobs "Essence of Doubt".
Just need some profile to get kill all time this mobs which have 77k hp and each kill they drop 1 Lovely charm.
I try whit "ULTIMAt FARMER "plugin.When the mobs atack me sometime i folow down and need to get on flymount and to go up sters to fight again!
ty if you can do a profile.
Just need some profile to get kill all time this mobs which have 77k hp and each kill they drop 1 Lovely charm.
I try whit "ULTIMAt FARMER "plugin.When the mobs atack me sometime i folow down and need to get on flymount and to go up sters to fight again!
ty if you can do a profile.