ive been thinking of making one, but im still not sure on what rotation and how leveling will work as an arcane mage. id love to work with you if you think we can make something that really rocks.Would anyone be able to create an arcane mage CC. Would be very greatful for it. If it's good I will send you a donation throiugh paypal.
so you want something thats raid capable? im sure leveling before arcane blast there would be a lot to work on.arcane mages are real easy rotation. Here is the Maxdps.com arcane mage. http://maxdps.com/mage/arcane.php
let me know if you have msn or yahoo or something so i can pick your brain a bit about what you want.Most definate for raid ready.
Just curious, what is your intention for this CC?
I don't understand why anyone would want a raid capable CC. I really hope you aren't planning on letting it raid for you...
want to experiment with 10man raids. guild already knows i bot cause they are IRLF and they are thinking about buying HB/GB and told me to find an arcane cc and to try some experiments out with raiding. They want to see how well it would do. if it does well they said they are going to buy HB and we were going to set up a 10 man all bot raid and tweak the settings here and there to see if we can get the raid going fairly well.
Would anyone be able to create an arcane mage CC. Would be very greatful for it. If it's good I will send you a donation throiugh paypal.
a raid dps rotation is easy to program in, and might as well delete this since its in the wrong place.If you are in a raid, the default mage does spam arcane missiles. CodeNameGamma is likely to do a better rotations.
alright, got it done, say hello To Orange MarmaladeSounds good Thank you CodenameG