im gunna need someone to hold my hand and walk me threw this hole botting adventure.
coming up on teh 15th of this month i will be buying my year subscription.
i wanna know a few more things.
1. how does the pvp botting do for shamans. does it drop totems and call wolfs out.
2. are the default profiles that come with the bot good enough alone, ( in other words, is it worth buying even with using only the default profiles).
3. im looking for the following things i need 2 set everything up when it comes time.
~!~ LIST ~!~
* a pvp guide setup for pallys, mages, and shamans
* decent patrols for northrend (Herb/mining)
* a nice 1-80 leveling pack.
if this is 2 much to ask just post here or delete this. sorry i dont wanna just buy this and then spend a week just tryin 2 figure everything out.
coming up on teh 15th of this month i will be buying my year subscription.
i wanna know a few more things.
1. how does the pvp botting do for shamans. does it drop totems and call wolfs out.
2. are the default profiles that come with the bot good enough alone, ( in other words, is it worth buying even with using only the default profiles).
3. im looking for the following things i need 2 set everything up when it comes time.
~!~ LIST ~!~
* a pvp guide setup for pallys, mages, and shamans
* decent patrols for northrend (Herb/mining)
* a nice 1-80 leveling pack.
if this is 2 much to ask just post here or delete this. sorry i dont wanna just buy this and then spend a week just tryin 2 figure everything out.