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Hello , does anyone has an updated profile for uliana monk, because the one in the latest trinity , generates some errors (red text) while using it? Thanks in advance
The default Uliana build that comes with the DB needs update, it generates a red wall of text when its used with the latest diablo client. Can the support team of DB update it please. Thanks in advance.
The issue that causes the red errors seems to be the HasEP(u) function that is some weird work around...if you comment it out it does run. I had to put cluster down to 1 and it seems to be the ideal rotation but it works. Hopefully someone makes an updated one. I attached it with those function calls commented out in case you're really lazy.
This also means it doesn't check if the target has Exploding Palm applied to it so if anyone knows of a way to have it check the target for it we can put that part back in.
Gonna request this as well, the routines in trinity don't use epiphany off CD or dashing strike anytime, also gets stuck in large groups of mobs without attacking, or focuses attacking a single mob and failing.