@spriestdev, Thank you for the accurate and helpful response regarding ShamWOW and LazyRaider to another member. +rep and Good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
@Beast, It sounds like you have used ShamWOW in a raiding environment with an Enhancement spec based upon the following quotes:
... I know bobby's ShamWoW is one of the better CC's for leveling and such but it doesnt do the job for raiding. ...
I know shamwow is really dope but I feel its not intended for high end raiding
but I can't locate any ShamWOW forum posts from you regarding your raiding experience or how your opinion was formed. ShamWOW was designed to handle every facet of Shaman play in every environment (grinding, questing, battlegrounds, arena, world pvp, dungeons, heroics,
raiding, etc.) It automatically recognizes your spec, the environment, and the combat scenario and applies a set of behaviors which are best in class for that situation based upon the reference documents cited in the download post (#1 of the ShamWOW thread.) The supported raiding setup is described in the ShamWOW
Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE]. That document also describes how to post an issue or constructive criticism in the event you encounter something you would like researched on your behalf.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53