Do you happen to have that information?
I can't remember what setup I used but I eventually found that there's a very solid method to abusing elmer.
I believe I used... Sabotender, Bomb, Coerl, Chocobo, and Ixali (Really recommend Coblyn instead of Coerl though)
I used a starter deck and went to town, Basically your goal is to bait him into moving in certain spots while leaving the (usually center, although it's doable in other spots).. open
If you plan to bait him on the center position, then you most importantly need to have him not place any cards there, that's honestly the tricky part, and sometimes he does it anyway.. Even if it wouldn't really benefit him.
I found that I had the highest success rate playing my cards on the sides, (not corners) And near the end (depends who started), I would plus against cards that I originally placed down. Now.. A -LOT- of people recommend the godbert card and some others for this particular setup, but I didn't and still don't have it. (Once I got bahamut I booked, that's all I really wanted.)
There's a reddit thread that goes over a similar strategy, but requires the Minfilia card... With this in mind, we wind up in that oh-so-common "TT is impossible to get started in." problem, that actually plagues a lot of normal players. It seems for many people it's impossible to get 1 very powerful card, thus they can't continue, because their deck is too weak to get any better cards, and of course, thanks to the rarity limitations, having several "decent" cards (2-3 star) won't help you until you have 30+/60+ cards.
Triple Triad - Grinding King Elmer III : ffxiv
I can't really remember the deck I used, but the important part about the deck you use is really only that you can plus the cards that you placed, (The goal is to plus off of one of your own and one of his cards if possible, as the resulting "Combo" will help solidify a win, otherwise it can be a real shit toss.)
One last little note, Thanks to Square being retarded, there's glaring problems with Triple Triad that make the average FF8 fanboy instead.. The most obvious of those being the rarity rules preventing you from ever having more than 1 awesome card. That makes ever 'being the best' or, in FF8, having all player cards, etc, completely impossible.
I was going to try to become a TT master in FF14, then I farmed Dragons Neck 80 times and never got the Terra card, I cried myself to sleep and gave up after that. Maybe I'll try again someday.
Little side note.. Now that I'm thinking about it, I seem to remember not using the center spot to PLUS him, I feel like it was the middle left slot, but, can't really remember, I seem to remember that playing in the corners is usually a problem, though. And I also remember that the style of play changed quite drastically depending on who went first.