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[Request] PSA to Combat Routine Developers [Rogue]


Sep 14, 2014
Could someone please make a dedicated top tier Rogue combat routine for PvE (raiding) and PvP (arenas).

How long has it been since Rogues have had a stable, up-to-date, optimized combat routine in Honor Buddy?

2 years? Longer?

Some may argue that they have never had one.

There is a demand. Whoever creates one would have a monopoly.

The closest thing to a semi-workable CR is TuanHA Rogue. I don't think the TuanHA team gives it the time and attention needed to make it function on the same level as a product from Millz or handnavi (They are genius').

I don't PvP, but I was even suprised that cokx didn't have a Rogue specific Gladiator Suite.

What is it about Rogues? Are the rotations from the 3 specs super difficult?

I would really appreciate if a genius developer would take up the project. *looks at handnavi/Millz/cokx/attlio/Richie/Alisha/Stampe... etc

I'm actually begging... please. :(
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I think so. It has a smart rotation built in to optimize damage. You should try it. It will blow your mind.
the problem with TuanHA routines is he actually provides way to much routines and cant get into detail when it comes to endgame raiding.

The routines or pretty much ok for casual raiding and for farming (dont know pvp cause i dont pvp) but when it comes to endgame raiding (mythic) the routines are not even close to do the dps/hps you need.

he should do it like millz - limited routines but these are extremly good in endgame raiding
I got to 13/13m rogue using another software after being laughed at too much using tuanha which this software is just strictly for pve end game, you won't find nothing on here unless someone makes one strictly for that which after this banwave new devs aren't going to be jumping on board anytime soon.

I've mentioned the other software before I won't post it since really it's advertising and I do not want to get into major trouble but not hard to find it only has a 64bit app and also an mac app/osx app which by researching at ownedcore.

besides that you will never hit any 99+ warcraftlogs with anything to do with rogues on this store for heroic and especially mythic. Then if proper people look at your logs they'll be like WTF!
You know, there are other routines, not only the store ones.
Mine has not been updated since dec. 2015 (when i got the hammer), but nthing changed in rotation until now.
I was actually thinking in picking it up again, a few days ago, but then there was another banwave, so im staying under the radar atm.
If you want to try it tho, feel free to do so, it's free of charge, so no harm done if you don't like it.

if this is forbidden advertising, i will delete my post, just give me a hint.
Dude, Mythic Raiding? Bots are for lazy people and farming, not for the fun part of the game.. get some skills.. Same for PvP. Who would use a CR for PvP? Thats freakin' lame.
Dude, Mythic Raiding? Bots are for lazy people and farming, not for the fun part of the game.. get some skills.. Same for PvP. Who would use a CR for PvP? Thats freakin' lame.
It is amazing how people answer ahead the questions, which they ask later.
You know, there are other routines, not only the store ones.
Mine has not been updated since dec. 2015 (when i got the hammer), but nthing changed in rotation until now.
I was actually thinking in picking it up again, a few days ago, but then there was another banwave, so im staying under the radar atm.
If you want to try it tho, feel free to do so, it's free of charge, so no harm done if you don't like it.

if this is forbidden advertising, i will delete my post, just give me a hint.

thanks for trying to make a rogue routine never did try it before going to the other competition rotation bot for my rogue routine.
so sad rogues are the kings of melee and just behind mages you would think more would be done but then again the amount of bans will make devs shy away.
Hopefully dommy will make one, he seems to be making one of every class nearly only time will tell if he does I'm sure that will be the best for heroic/mythic
Tuanha for just levelling/dailies and pvp/arena early stages nothing high end you will need vitalic for that.