Would be great to see an option like "AlwaysFlyMount" where it would never "Loading Tiles" without being on a FlyMount, as I see when the bot thinks it's mounted it will then try to go to it's next place but sometimes the bot isn't mounted and will then try to work out how to get their via the ground which ends up "Loading Tiles" this option will basically do a check right before "Loading Tiles" or won't load tiles until the bot is on his FlyMount.
Thank you.
Would be great to see an option like "AlwaysFlyMount" where it would never "Loading Tiles" without being on a FlyMount, as I see when the bot thinks it's mounted it will then try to go to it's next place but sometimes the bot isn't mounted and will then try to work out how to get their via the ground which ends up "Loading Tiles" this option will basically do a check right before "Loading Tiles" or won't load tiles until the bot is on his FlyMount.
Thank you.