I noticed that they nerfed the Yeti 4-5 mil xp per hr profile to like 1,8 mil xp per hour. I then began search for other caster friendly, bad gear friendly profiles (408 ilvl) to get my Mage from 88-90. I haven't found any yet, the proble, is that all mobs are owning me because they can so easily be ninjapulled.
Please link profiles below that are casterfriendly after the patch and that hasn't been nerfed!
I noticed that they nerfed the Yeti 4-5 mil xp per hr profile to like 1,8 mil xp per hour. I then began search for other caster friendly, bad gear friendly profiles (408 ilvl) to get my Mage from 88-90. I haven't found any yet, the proble, is that all mobs are owning me because they can so easily be ninjapulled.
Please link profiles below that are casterfriendly after the patch and that hasn't been nerfed!