Hi please help build a new profile for the new 3.2 nodes. Here is the info
Smithsonite: Sea of Clouds, 1am, Slot 2.
Lumythrite: Churning Mists, 3am, Slot 2.
Frost Cotton Boll: Coerthas Western Highlands, 1pm, Slot 4.
Old-growth Camphorwood Log: Churning Mists, 3pm, Slot 6.
Smithsonite: Sea of Clouds, 1am, Slot 2.
Lumythrite: Churning Mists, 3am, Slot 2.
Frost Cotton Boll: Coerthas Western Highlands, 1pm, Slot 4.
Old-growth Camphorwood Log: Churning Mists, 3pm, Slot 6.