Is it possible to make a plugin that let the bot execute different commands based on what is being said/whispered to him/her?
I would use it for when I am multiboxing, there is a decent botbase for it but it is lacking alot.
You could define in the config who the bot should "listen to".
Example of commands I could see use for:
Stand Still - drop all movement behaviour and just stand still until told otherwise.
Follow me - follow the leader/whisperer like a fat cake would follow cake.
Greed is good - Loot everything within X yards.
Stay on this - stay on the target that the leader/whisperer got just now until told otherwise.
Freeze - stop all movement AND combat behaviours until told otherwise.
Mount up - geee ...
Etc etc etc
I would use it for when I am multiboxing, there is a decent botbase for it but it is lacking alot.
You could define in the config who the bot should "listen to".
Example of commands I could see use for:
Stand Still - drop all movement behaviour and just stand still until told otherwise.
Follow me - follow the leader/whisperer like a fat cake would follow cake.
Greed is good - Loot everything within X yards.
Stay on this - stay on the target that the leader/whisperer got just now until told otherwise.
Freeze - stop all movement AND combat behaviours until told otherwise.
Mount up - geee ...
Etc etc etc