according to wow head there some npcs have a lot higher chance of dropping them, once I get to that area i'll make a profile.
Ik'thik Fear-Shaper - NPC - World of Warcraft
only 2 out of 3 dropped. 67% chance to drop, the real figure will be lower, but i'll kill quite a few and see what it changes too.
The real figure will be the same as all the other ones. I would use a low level grind profile, perhaps jade serpent to kill as quickly as possible.
This is a profile I made using one of Kick's farming templates. I made it to farm my Black Prince Rep.
Farms Mogu in Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
Use with Questing bot.
Alliance vendors/mailbox.
Yes, you need to do the Temple of the White Tiger - Quest - World of Warcraft questDo you need a quest in order to see the mogu in vale?