Anyway to do that? Thanks
Attached you will find an INCREDIBLY DANGEROUS TAG!!!!!!!
If you are not extremely careful how you use this, you can easily destroy items you have worked to obtain for years and years.
Well, maybe I exaggerate, but you have been warned - don't come whining to me if this does something that makes you cry.
This tag will desynthesize stuff in your inventory. It doesn't care how much you love the stuff, or how much you will miss the stuff. It's a cold hearted desynthesizer.
You can desynthesize by ItemId, BagId, or both.
Tag Name: Desynth
BagIds="<comma separated list of inventory bag Ids, where bagId = Bag1 | Bag2 | Bag3 | Bag4>"
ItemIds="<comma separate list of item Ids>"
You can specify just BagIds, just ItemIds, or both.
If you specify just BagIds, then the tag will desynthesize every desynthesizable item that exists in the specified inventory bags.
If you specify just ItemIds, then the tag will desynthesize every matching item in all your inventory bags.
If you specify both, then the tag will desynthesize every matching item in every matching inventory bag.
Also attached is the simple orderbot profile I use for my GSM - edit it to suit your needs (i.e., change the slot number in the "/gs change" command to reflect your desynther).
FYI, an easy way to get item ids is to google the equipment name (e.g., FFXIV <equipment name>) and look for the hit - the number in the returned url is the item id.
Enjoy (cackles uncontrollably)
UPDATE: Added exception handling for invalid bag ids.
UPDATE: Modified to desynthesize stacks - BUT - I have only used it to desynthesize single items, so be sure to post a log if you have any problems.