Too bad that Toney removed the important parts =[
Below your fallbackprice, there is an option which is set to 500% by default. When your fallback is 5g it will undercut all auctions up to 25g (500% of your fallback price). If the cheapest auction is more expensive than those 25g, for example 6999g, tsm will post your item at your fallback price. This is an option to ensure you are not going to post auctions waaaayyy too high.
Posting works fine.
Hmm, seems like I've got a new problem: The canceling doesn't work for me. It does a cancelscan but it doesn't press the cancel-macro. Posting works fine.
The one I just posted should be a fully working version with all the *****ed files you need.
I got the same problem . After the addon is done with the search for all undercut auctions , the log on HB still shows " waiting for false " , so im guessing the bot doesnt recognize that the scanning of undercut auctions is complete.
And im using THIS one
Its definetly not the macro , cause i've bound it to F2 , and it works when i press it manualy.
And Libstub is activated
Well, I just tested the TSM version Inrego linked, so I knew if I could link it in my thread. It worked a tiny bit different than mine, but it worked.
With the one I had installed, it'd start the cancelling cycle, wait for it to finish scanning and then cancel them all at once.
Using Inrego's, it starts the cancelling cycle and it cancels auctions on the fly, not having to wait until it's done cancelling.
Same Computer/HB/PB/Profile, just different TSMs (there might be a difference in the cancel.lua?).
In any case, they both work for me (and I assume for Inrego too). If it doesn't for you, you're doing something wrong.
My suggestion is to go back to my post and follow my instructions thoroughly. If it still doesn't work, again, you're doing something wrong.
As for your particular error, I remember having that same one BEFORE I thought of installing Lib: Stub, so you might wanna start by double checking that it's enabled.