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Request: Antistuck - TP out

Aarron the Aussie

New Member
Jun 19, 2012
I was thinking it would be nice if the bot could just TP out if "monster hasnt been slain for x mins" or "player hasnt moved out of x amount of radius" and then create a new instance.


Already exists (kind of). There's a built-in plugin called Anti Stuck Detection. You can set some parameters and tell it to quit to the login screen.. then if you have autologin enabled it'll log back in and continue on.
//naut's code. I did it about the same time. 
				// referenced 7 August 2015 https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exilebuddy-forum/community-developer-forum/182083-stuckdetection-2-0-a.html
				//if (isStuck)
				else if (StuckDetectionSettings.Instance.StuckDetectionMethod ==
					var tttrerr = BasicGrindBotSettings.Instance.NeedsTownRun = 2;
					if (!LokiPoe.Me.IsDead && !LokiPoe.Me.IsInTown)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] TpToTownAndRestart returned {0}.", tttrerr);
						if (AreaStateCache.Current.Explorer != null)
							Log.InfoFormat("[StuckDetection] Now resetting the explorer.");
					else if (LokiPoe.Me.IsDead)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] LogoutToCharacterSelection returned {0}.", LokiPoe.EscapeState.LogoutToTitleScreen());
the built in one only logs out it doesent tp to town according to the drop down box.
//naut's code. I did it about the same time. 
				// referenced 7 August 2015 https://www.thebuddyforum.com/exilebuddy-forum/community-developer-forum/182083-stuckdetection-2-0-a.html
				//if (isStuck)
				else if (StuckDetectionSettings.Instance.StuckDetectionMethod ==
					var tttrerr = BasicGrindBotSettings.Instance.NeedsTownRun = 2;
					if (!LokiPoe.Me.IsDead && !LokiPoe.Me.IsInTown)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] TpToTownAndRestart returned {0}.", tttrerr);
						if (AreaStateCache.Current.Explorer != null)
							Log.InfoFormat("[StuckDetection] Now resetting the explorer.");
					else if (LokiPoe.Me.IsDead)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] LogoutToCharacterSelection returned {0}.", LokiPoe.EscapeState.LogoutToTitleScreen());

this is outdated and has compile errors on load up
can we get a stuck detection plug-in update which includes tp?
Already exists (kind of). There's a built-in plugin called Anti Stuck Detection. You can set some parameters and tell it to quit to the login screen.. then if you have autologin enabled it'll log back in and continue on.
yeah just enabled this, wasted 8 hours sleeping... to come back to the main login screen lol...
thought it was smarter and would move the character to get it unstuck from tents
if (StuckDetectionSettings.Instance.StuckDetectionMethod ==
					var tttrerr = BasicGrindBotSettings.Instance.NeedsTownRun = 2;
					if (!LokiPoe.Me.IsDead && !LokiPoe.Me.IsInTown)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] TpToTownAndRestart returned {0}.", tttrerr);
						if (AreaStateCache.Current.Explorer != null)
							Log.InfoFormat("[StuckDetection] Now resetting the explorer.");
					else if (LokiPoe.Me.IsDead)
						Log.ErrorFormat("[StuckDetection] LogoutToCharacterSelection returned {0}.", LokiPoe.EscapeState.LogoutToTitleScreen());

else if (StuckDetectionSettings.Instance.StuckDetectionMethod ==
					// Tell the  bot we should not return to this instance.
					AreaStateCache.SetNewInstanceOverride(LokiPoe.CurrentWorldArea.Id, true);
					// Tell the bot we want to do a town run, and to not return via the portal we're about to make.
					Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.BasicGrindBot.BasicGrindBotSettings.Instance.NeedsTownRun = 2;

This were old solutions that dont work anymore since the revamp, maybe we have to use Loki.Bot.Logic.Bots.OldGrindBot.TriggerTownRun(), Im still getting familiar with everything.
could any of wonderful devs add tp in/out instead of relog to StuckDetection Plugin? ;p
Instead of having the bot log out or tp out after being in an instance for a certain amount of time (mine is currently set to 12 or so), can we get a setting to have it just tp out and begin a new map after being stuck for 1-2 minutes regardless of how much time we've already spent within that map?

Even if it TPs or logs out, it will just go back to the same map portal if there's one remaining and get stuck again.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
It's a request specific to MapRunner plugin. You should write in the proper thread.
It's a request specific to MapRunner plugin. You should write in the proper thread.

Not really, you can handle it from anywhere. But yes, it would be an issue for maps because of the way portals are in fact a "waypoint". lot of synergies possible