can you any make a profile that will farm Zandalari Warbringer across MOP trying to farm rep
thank you in advance
It's not really ~that easy. I Wasnt comfortable with one-shot farming them on my hunter til i was about 555 ilvl. They are immune to taunts, have a ton of health, and require such advanced movement that I'm not sure a bot could handle
I think a blood dk, sure hunter or like a warlock would be the best class to do it with. I wouldn't want to do it with any other class
Last time I tried botanists, it didn`t work, because it was unfinished, have to try it again.
You cannot kill the mobs with a simple grind profile. You need a smart questing profile, because you first need to pull the dragon away, and kill it (which is pretty simple) and then you need to kill the other one.
There will be a lot of void zones which will kill you instant. So there is a lot of movement to get that thing down.
I once tried it with a druid tank which I played manually with gs490 and a bot hunter. No chance.
i've done a questing profile, but no smart one. it was only requested a simple profile. i dont know how to add thinks like avoiding/pulling away and such things into a profile sryi just tank and spank em .. what i need is a profile who farm the 5 spot and kill em if they alive
horde or alliance?