Hey, I am using botanist dungeon farming profiles with rep tabards to get some achievements. And it would be really nice to have a plugin that could change tabard upon getting to exalted with the one you already have on.
Example: You are running Botanist Zul'Farak profile with Undercity Tabard, when you gain exalted it switches to a tabard of your choice.
Would be awesome with a "list" feature so you can queue different tabards like when you are done with undercity it switches to thunder bluff, then to bilgewater etc etc. would also work for any tabard, like wotlk tabards cata tabards etcetc
I have no idea how to script my self so I am kindly asking you awesome developer's out there to consider the idea for a plugin like this! Would be awesome!
I also apologize for any spelling mistakes as English in not my main language.
Thanks in advance.
Example: You are running Botanist Zul'Farak profile with Undercity Tabard, when you gain exalted it switches to a tabard of your choice.
Would be awesome with a "list" feature so you can queue different tabards like when you are done with undercity it switches to thunder bluff, then to bilgewater etc etc. would also work for any tabard, like wotlk tabards cata tabards etcetc
I have no idea how to script my self so I am kindly asking you awesome developer's out there to consider the idea for a plugin like this! Would be awesome!
I also apologize for any spelling mistakes as English in not my main language.
Thanks in advance.