Heyho fellow botters!
I have a request for a Neutral/Alliance Blood Elf Bandit Mask grind profile, since it sells for 2k+ on my server on Hordeside. [Doing some Crossfaction trades] I
t has to use GRIND bot. Im from Germany, so gathering, profession and questbuddy got disabled forensically.
To me this Profile is worth a few ?.
I will send it via Paypal.
Heres a link of the Item i wanna farm:
Blood Elf Bandit Mask - Item - World of Warcraft
Thanks in forward!
Happy botting!
I have a request for a Neutral/Alliance Blood Elf Bandit Mask grind profile, since it sells for 2k+ on my server on Hordeside. [Doing some Crossfaction trades] I
t has to use GRIND bot. Im from Germany, so gathering, profession and questbuddy got disabled forensically.
To me this Profile is worth a few ?.
I will send it via Paypal.
Heres a link of the Item i wanna farm:
Blood Elf Bandit Mask - Item - World of Warcraft
Thanks in forward!
Happy botting!