Ok, i know there are several Howling Fjord profiles in the forum. I tried them all. I have even converted old profiles to GB2. The Thing is, I need a profile with blackspots included. All my "good" profiles include blackspots. I can let them run overnight, and they will still be working in the morning when i wake up... All Howling Fjord profiles I tried, get stuck sooner or later...
In case you're wondering "Why Howling Fjord?" the answer is simple: It is the best place to farm cobalt right now. Zul'Drak spawn rates have been nerfed a lot...
I would include these blackspots myself if i knew where are they... in fact i don't need a whole profile, just the blackspots. Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance.
Ok, i know there are several Howling Fjord profiles in the forum. I tried them all. I have even converted old profiles to GB2. The Thing is, I need a profile with blackspots included. All my "good" profiles include blackspots. I can let them run overnight, and they will still be working in the morning when i wake up... All Howling Fjord profiles I tried, get stuck sooner or later...
In case you're wondering "Why Howling Fjord?" the answer is simple: It is the best place to farm cobalt right now. Zul'Drak spawn rates have been nerfed a lot...
I would include these blackspots myself if i knew where are they... in fact i don't need a whole profile, just the blackspots. Can you help me please?
Thanks in advance.