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"reported" in bg


New Member
Sep 7, 2014
I'm not banned yet but I am curious if anyone has any experience with people saying in the bg/whispering you and letting you know they have submitted a ticket saying you were botting? This is the first time anyone has sent me a tell and I was wondering if Blizz usually looks into it (IF he even sent one, he could have just been trying a scare tactic). I guess if they do look into it and ban me I was going to try the 'I'm out of town and my roommate must have been on(easier now since with battlenet app you don't even need the password)' It's worked for a couple of my friends.
Yes had it a few times while multiboxing and botting still not banned yet. Guess i've been lucky so far.
I'll just hope he didn't actually send one and was just being pissy. But he was from Area-52 so who knows :p.
Worse case I guess I can just move my main to my other account. Almost have me 14/14h don't wanna lose that.
I once got banned for bg botting while not only was i NOT bg botting, but i was rbg wintrading at over 2600 mmr xD i found it unbelievably ironic, gg blizz automated detection. BTW in my experience, bg botting ban is always 72 hour.
Well it's been 3 days and nothing yet, and yeah I read a lot of posts of wrongful bans that Blizz wouldn't reverse (some permabans). But of course it was "wrongful" based on their account so who knows.
its not those that wisper you that you have to worry about, its those that dont.

Could take 2 weeks or more before blizzard takes a look at something so dnt be
surprised if you are banned next week for something that happened last week.

Bg botting always 72 hours is not correct, it all depends in wich state your account is.

is it a first time offence, most like liley 72 hours, 2nd time same offence, perma.

But if you had some small harassment bans or whatever, a first time bg ban could mean an

irreversable perma.