ZITAT: "During the World of Warcraft client (the client) is running, the client can scan the memory (RAM) your computer and / or your computer's CPU according to non-authorized third-party software that is running at the same time World of Warcraft. Additionally, the client is the game installation directory scan to ensure that only non-hacked original software is used. The sole purpose of this scan is to ensure that our players play in a cheat-free environment."
As currently one of my accounts was totally closed, so this scan was done, although I have not botted, but unfortunately the Honor Buddy program was open!
The CYBOT program you can rename!
Honor Buddy not, even if you rename the executable remains the window, task and process, "Honor Buddy" THE CHANGE SHOULD be urgently URGENT!
Who cares what it's named if the WoW client can't detect it. Some people deserve their computers taken away.
ZITAT: "During the World of Warcraft client (the client) is running, the client can scan the memory (RAM) your computer and / or your computer's CPU according to non-authorized third-party software that is running at the same time World of Warcraft. Additionally, the client is the game installation directory scan to ensure that only non-hacked original software is used. The sole purpose of this scan is to ensure that our players play in a cheat-free environment."
As currently one of my accounts was totally closed, so this scan was done, although I have not botted, but unfortunately the Honor Buddy program was open!
why do you keep posting these damage control posts?
you reek of staff
Even if you rename the process when it scans your ram or CPU its still going to show the same thing. and please re-read what i put in bold, kinda sounds like they only scan whats in the game folder itself. (But it sounds like they had a 3rd grader write that also) /Shrugs
I always cover the corner of my monitor with a post it note, just incase there is blizzard snipers watching.