Don't forget Bekyn and Zarborough:
1:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
1:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /farewell
2:24 AM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:7973:0:0:0|h[Big-mouth Clam]|h|r.
2:24 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:25 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:25 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: Thank you, come again.
2:48 AM <GM>Bekyn whispers: /bye
3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:45 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:55 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
3:56 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Good night.
4:03 AM Bekyn whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
4:04 AM To Bekyn: shoot
4:04 AM Bekyn whispers: Hi
4:04 AM Bekyn whispers: Hello?
4:04 AM To Bekyn: ja, whats up?
4:05 AM Bekyn whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.
4:05 AM To Bekyn: so.. i suppose i will be refunded the rest of the prepaid amount then?
4:06 AM Bekyn whispers: You'll have to contact the Billing department in the morning to resolve that matter.
4:06 AM Bekyn whispers: As of right now I will have to log you off the game.
4:07 AM Bekyn whispers: Please remember to check your email.
4:09 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
4:10 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
4:10 <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
5:50 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
5:50 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Sure.
5:50 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: How has your night been?
5:50 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Uhh... Pretty good. Why?
5:51 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: What are you doing at this moment?
5:51 AM To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Just getting ready to auction off some stuff.
5:51 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Do you think you will make money off of it?
5:51 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Yeah. Why?
5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Well, I regret to inform you that you will not see that money.
5:52 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Err.. Why? Did the AH just explode or something?
5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: No.
5:52 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Then, wtf?
5:52 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Well, are you eating anything?
5:53 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: wtf does that have to do with anything. and yes, I'm eating a donut.
5:53 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Mmmmm... I like donuts. Can I have one?
5:53 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: No, I'm hungry.
5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Oh that makes me sad. But not as sad as it makes me to tell you that you will not be able to access this game on this account again.
5:54 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Mother****er. You are really pissed that I didn't give you that donut! lrn2geturownfood
5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: You need to lrn2bot nub.
5:54 To <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Eh. **** you.
5:54 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: No thanks. I'm married.
5:20 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
5:20 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hey sorry i have to go
5:20 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: So soon?
5:29 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
5:29 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
5:30 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:00 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Peace."
6:01 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
6:02 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Maybe another time my friend.
7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
7:43 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: LFM Bots pst
7:44 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers:
8:31 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Anybody home?
8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: ......maybe not
8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:32 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: GM 1 - Bot 0
8:33 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers:
8:47 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hello?
8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Bye?
8:48 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Okay.
9:13 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:13 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /point
9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /laugh
9:14 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: /banned
9:16 AM |cff33CCFF[09:16]|r 107 Normal Kills to level (Exact)
9:16 AM |cff33CCFF[09:16]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:17 AM |cff33CCFF[09:17]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:17 AM |cff33CCFF[09:17]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:18 AM |cff33CCFF[09:18]|r 78 Normal Kills to level (Exact)
9:18 AM |cff33CCFF[09:18]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn|r]|h: Have a good day.
9:22 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:25 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Once again i stand here banning another account belonging to you. Good night
9:25 AM [11:24:12] <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:25 AM [11:24:23] To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Hello
9:25 AM [11:24:46] <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.
9:25 AM [11:24:54] To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: ?????
9:35 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
9:35 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: Hello
9:35 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hi there
9:35 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hi
10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: sure?
10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: This makes number three, I believe?
10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r From <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: This account is being suspended for exploitation. Please check the registered email address for further information. I will now remove you from the game.
10:32 AM |cff33CCFF[10:32]|r To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough|r]|h: well I would like say **** you and Mr. Beykn
11:03 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
11:03 AM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:4304:0:0:0|h[Thick Leather]|h|r.
11:03 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: sure
11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Hi there
11:04 AM To |Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h: hey
11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: I have some sad news today
11:04 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. I will be sending you an email explaining the details to your suspension. Please make sure you check your registered email address. Thank you.
11:05 PM 08/09/06 23:05:37 <GM>|Hplayer:Valcar|h[Valcar]|h whispers: Greetings, this is Account Administrator Valcar. Do you have a moment to speak with me?
11:05 PM 08/09/06 23:05:57 <GM>|Hplayer:Valcar|h[Valcar]|h whispers: Your account is being suspended at this time. Please check your registered email address for an email explaining the further details of this suspension. Thank you.
11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
11:17 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
11:18 AM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: This might sting a little.
12:13 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
12:14 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Good night.
12:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
12:25 PM To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h: brb brother playing right now- i told him dont respond to anyone
12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: That's a shame. Tell him I said Hi!
12:24 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
12:25 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Please be aware that failure to respond may have serious consequences for your account. Please hit 'R' to respond.
12:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Nothing? You're just going to stand there and get wailed on?
12:27 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: I'm disappointed.
12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
12:26 PM You receive loot: |cffffffff|Hitem:8170:0:0:0|h[Rugged Leather]|h|r.
12:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Please be aware that failure to respond may have serious consequences for your account. Please hit 'R' to respond.
12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
12:50 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: How poor are they that have not patience!lol yep
1:17 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Greetings. This is Game Master Bekyn. May I have a moment of your time?
1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: What? That's right. Bots can't talk.
1:18 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Bekyn|h[Bekyn]|h whispers: Have a nice day.
1:29 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
1:30 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
2:15 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
2:15 PM To |Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h: No, the server is not laggy, now leave me alone
2:15 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: I'd love to- I hope you've had fun!
4:31 PM [4:31] <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
4:32 PM [4:32] <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
7:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
7:26 PM <GM>|Hplayer:Zarborough|h[Zarborough]|h whispers: Hail, adventurer! This is Game Master Zarborough. Do you have a moment?
<GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: Greetings, **! This is Game Master Kaldrozen. How are you today?
To |Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: fine
<GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: Unfortunately a character on this account has been found violating the World of Warcraft policies
To |Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: when?
<GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: An e-mail has been sent to your registered address with further details to the violation. Please review the notification for more information
|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h: um alright may i know what charecter was violating what agreement?
<GM>|Hplayer:Kaldrozen|h[Kaldrozen]|h whispers: At this Time I will need to remove you from the game.