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[Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.686 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

why are the servers so slow I checked my speed and the speed test says I'm getting 30Mbps and I just checked the update and after 10 minutes it is still trying to download --I tried to download the zip file which is 16Mb an the download time is 17 minutes
Version 185
Updated for ff14 4.18


ActionManager.DoMusic(uint actionId) added

Orderbot behavor:
Perform added

You can now play music as a bard using rebornbuddy
Check the perform quest behavior for documentation.

Example profile is attached


Version 188

This is a large update to rebornbuddy that has been in beta for a long peroid.

Experimental flying support has been added
    FlyTo tag has been added to orderbot
    Flying can be enabled in fatebot in the settings menu
        It is not recommended to afk with flying enabled!
CapabilityManager added
    This allows botbases and plugins to signal to combat routines that certain features should be disabled

AvoidanceManager added
    Experimental system to avoid ground effect aoes and other dangerous areas
    This currently requires a 3rd party plugin SideStep in order to function as the feature is still being tested
HotbarManager added
    Rebornbuddy will now pulse hotbar actions to make it look like you are pressing your buttons
        This can be disabled by editing GlobalSettings.json and setting PulseHotbars to false

    DoAction will no longer allow PvP actions that belong to a combo to be used
    The following functions have been added
        public static uint GetPvPComboCurrentActionId(uint comboId)
        public static SpellData GetPvPComboCurrentAction(uint comboId)
        public static bool DoPvPCombo(uint comboId, GameObject targetObject)
    WorldManager.InPvP has been added


new release keeps kicking me and closing bot when I try to use Lisbeth version 188
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new release keeps kicking me and closing bot when I try to use Lisbeth version 188

3rd party compiled dlls aren't supported on the forums, you'll have to get support where you got it.

(They probabbly need to re-compile the dll for the most recent version)
It is being worked on.

Updates are available on discord.

There were quite a few changes. Masthag is working on it, sorry for the delay.
It is being worked on.

Updates are available on discord.

There were quite a few changes. Masthag is working on it, sorry for the delay.
When I saw the size of the patch I had a feeling that this one might take a little while. Keep up the good work guys.
New version is coming now, not everything is 100% yet.
Partymember count is fixed at 0 as the party system seems to have changed a bit internally.
Version 194
Partymanager has been updated
-Objects are now reused
-May be controlled via the pulseflag Party
-Handles crossrealm parties
Hey Mas... Any idea on what is causing RB to use anti stuck while doing SB fates? (Im using the Dawn Throne and Ruby Sea) I turned off Sidestep and so, still happens. Just likes to jump to the middle of the mob during the CR attacking and so.

Made a thread on this in Dec, but not heard anything on it. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threa...-constantly-into-center-of-mob-acting.415398/

I can PM you a log file, which of course is too large to attach here if needed.
Hey Mas... Any idea on what is causing RB to use anti stuck while doing SB fates? (Im using the Dawn Throne and Ruby Sea) I turned off Sidestep and so, still happens. Just likes to jump to the middle of the mob during the CR attacking and so.

Made a thread on this in Dec, but not heard anything on it. https://www.thebuddyforum.com/threa...-constantly-into-center-of-mob-acting.415398/

I can PM you a log file, which of course is too large to attach here if needed.
Try replicating it with regular fatebot and kupo. If it doesn't happen there, can't help.
Build 199
GameObject.CanAttack will now return true in conditions where it would previously incorrectly return false;

BattleCharacter.ElementalLevel Added
BattleCharacter.Element Added
Build 207

Deep Dungeon bot base added

SideStep avoidance plugin added
-Note: There are still some issues with this plugin, so take care when using it to properly monitor your bot.

Thanks to ZZI for his work on these projects.

Api changes:
    DirectorManager added
        This director handles the different content directors that ff14 uses
        Support for basic battle and gathering leves

    RemoteObject is now declared as protected instead of internal so that it can be used by 3rd party developers



Bug Fixes:

    BattleCharacter.CanAttack will return true correctly for Notirous monsters in eurkea
As per request for others to find. Newest update broke pretty much everything. Would have posted sooner, just posted in the wrong forums :) and thanks mastahg for the quick response