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[Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.686 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

Quick report on x64 version (untested on x86)

WorldManager.InSanctuary is returning incorrectly in all sanctuaries.

Snippet Used:


Result (Varies per map on location and ID):

<-138.1755, -3.154888, -168.2>
So Ive been trying for over a week now to get this to work and it wont, the bot wont even load up, I open it up and nothing happens, also I have ran the buddywizard and it says .Net 4.5.1 and VC++2013 is already installed please help me as I have tried everything
Quick report on x64 version (untested on x86)

WorldManager.InSanctuary is returning incorrectly in all sanctuaries.

Snippet Used:


Result (Varies per map on location and ID):

<-138.1755, -3.154888, -168.2>

I'll look into it.

So Ive been trying for over a week now to get this to work and it wont, the bot wont even load up, I open it up and nothing happens, also I have ran the buddywizard and it says .Net 4.5.1 and VC++2013 is already installed please help me as I have tried everything

It should be generating a log file, if it isn't then its probably antirvirus software blocking the executable.
Build 31
Character.TappedByOther now returns the correct value
WorldManager.InSanctuary now returns the correct value
Grind tag now works properly
Deathlogic reenabled
Selecting mounts now works properly
Version 36
Chocobo trainer is now supported

I think with this release the two clients should be at feature parity.


Hi Mastahg,

Sorry about the log, forgot that. I have once more tryed to install the DirectX 11 version, but I lag like I can't describe it, hardly ever move. And when shutting RB down and go back to DX9 it works fine.

But her is the log .

Precompiled applications are not officially supported in any capacity. You'll have to contact who ever created it.
New Version
C#6 features are now supported.
.Net 4.6.1 is now the minimum required version. 
If you have problems running the bot run the new buddy wizard.
IsTodoChecked isn't working correctly again

Quest: Breath of Fresh Air. Step: 3. Objectives: 2.

at point of running code: Objective 0 (Deliver the dried Fogweed to Loupard) is complete.


var QuestId = 67798;
var StepId = 3;
var Objective = 0;

Log("Count: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item1);
Log("Of: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item2);
Log("IsComplete? {0}", ConditionParser.IsTodoChecked(QuestId, (int)StepId, Objective));


Count: 1
Of: 3
IsComplete? False

The next objective is still ToDo (Objective 1, Deliver the dried fogweed to Grimold), yet code:

var QuestId = 67798;
var StepId = 3;
var Objective = 1;

Log("Count: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item1);
Log("Of: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item2);
Log("IsComplete? {0}", ConditionParser.IsTodoChecked(QuestId, (int)StepId, Objective));

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: objectiveIndex outside the bounds of current objectives. Did you check to make sure the quest step hasn't changed?
Parameter name: objectiveIndex
   at ff14bot.Managers.QuestWork.GetTodoArgs(Int32 objectiveIndex)
   at Driver.Run() in c:\Users\Andy\Desktop\DebugBuddyx64\Plugins\RebornConsole\Temp\uwxflg2q.0.cs:line 42
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
   at System.Type.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] args)
   at HighVoltz.CodeDriver.CompileAndRun(String input) in C:\Users\Andy\Desktop\DebugBuddyx64\Plugins\RebornConsole\RebornConsole.cs:line 462
Last edited:
Even with running the buddywizard coming back with all green across the board, it still fails to load up. Everything is unlocked etc rather stumped now
Even with running the buddywizard coming back with all green across the board, it still fails to load up. Everything is unlocked etc rather stumped now
Do you have Lisbeth or TTH under \BotBases still? If so, remove them and try again.

If you have neither, have you tried uninstalling 4.6.1 and re-running the wizard?
Last edited:
IsTodoChecked isn't working correctly again

Quest: Breath of Fresh Air. Step: 3. Objectives: 2.

at point of running code: Objective 0 (Deliver the dried Fogweed to Loupard) is complete.


var QuestId = 67798;
var StepId = 3;
var Objective = 0;

Log("Count: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item1);
Log("Of: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item2);
Log("IsComplete? {0}", ConditionParser.IsTodoChecked(QuestId, (int)StepId, Objective));


Count: 1
Of: 3
IsComplete? False

The next objective is still ToDo (Objective 1, Deliver the dried fogweed to Grimold), yet code:

var QuestId = 67798;
var StepId = 3;
var Objective = 1;

Log("Count: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item1);
Log("Of: {0}", ConditionParser.GetQuestById(QuestId).GetTodoArgs(Objective).Item2);
Log("IsComplete? {0}", ConditionParser.IsTodoChecked(QuestId, (int)StepId, Objective));

System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.ArgumentException: objectiveIndex outside the bounds of current objectives. Did you check to make sure the quest step hasn't changed?
Parameter name: objectiveIndex
   at ff14bot.Managers.QuestWork.GetTodoArgs(Int32 objectiveIndex)
   at Driver.Run() in c:\Users\Andy\Desktop\DebugBuddyx64\Plugins\RebornConsole\Temp\uwxflg2q.0.cs:line 42
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.RuntimeType.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags bindingFlags, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] providedArgs, ParameterModifier[] modifiers, CultureInfo culture, String[] namedParams)
   at System.Type.InvokeMember(String name, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object target, Object[] args)
   at HighVoltz.CodeDriver.CompileAndRun(String input) in C:\Users\Andy\Desktop\DebugBuddyx64\Plugins\RebornConsole\RebornConsole.cs:line 462

I don't have this daily today, but its working fine with "The foodstuff of champions"
To users still having issues crashing, I've once again updated the buddywizard and the requirements in the original post. Please try downloading the updated wizard and let me know if that fixes your issues.
IsToDo isn't working on x86 or x64. I didn't have the quest you said it was working on to test wether it's a strange quest anomoly, but i've had several more do the same.


Could you add a PlayerMover.Stop() when you hit the Stop button on Autonomous BotBases. As it is, if you hit Stop (x64 only) the character just keeps on moving.
Also of note, on x86 version, when it runs a HookExecutor("HotspotPoi") (like GrindTag), it'll go to the mobs, target and engage them (even if unaggroed). But it doesn't on the x64, it runs to the mob, targets and just sits there doing nothing (It's worth noting that if i manually engage the mob, the CR kicks in), or on the odd occasion, runs into the wall when it exits the navigation. Either this is something wrong with the CR on x64, or there's something different with x64 OrderBot. To me, it seems like it isn't pulsing Pre-Combat, or Pull.
IsToDo isn't working on x86 or x64. I didn't have the quest you said it was working on to test wether it's a strange quest anomoly, but i've had several more do the same.


Could you add a PlayerMover.Stop() when you hit the Stop button on Autonomous BotBases. As it is, if you hit Stop (x64 only) the character just keeps on moving.

If its broken on both thats makes me feel better, is it just broken for that one quest, some quests, or all quests?
I'll look into adding the stop

Also of note, on x86 version, when it runs a HookExecutor("HotspotPoi") (like GrindTag), it'll go to the mobs, target and engage them (even if unaggroed). But it doesn't on the x64, it runs to the mob, targets and just sits there doing nothing (It's worth noting that if i manually engage the mob, the CR kicks in), or on the odd occasion, runs into the wall when it exits the navigation. Either this is something wrong with the CR on x64, or there's something different with x64 OrderBot. To me, it seems like it isn't pulsing Pre-Combat, or Pull.

When it fails to pull can you do Log(Core.Target.TappedByOther);
I haven't had much chance to take notice, as todays reset only brought those that don't use the IsTodo check. What I did note yesterday is that the ones that tripped it up were single step objectives i.e 1/1 of objective 0, 1/1 of objective 1. Like the code I left yesterday, objective 0 should've returned Count 1 of 1, and objective complete, instead it return Count 1 of 3, objective not complete.

it'll be tomorrow before i'm back on now, but sure, i'll run the code and report back as and when. Cheers.