- Joined
- Apr 17, 2016
- Messages
- 47
Wonderful work, thank you for the changes in deep drive 

\o/ \o/ \o/

<GetTo ZoneId="621" XYZ="403.3247, 116.7892, 69.89963"/>
Error with GetTo:
When Interacting with the Ala Mhigan Resistance Guard on Zone: 621 XYZ: 497.7645, 69.99941, 583.7339. Successfully navigates to and uses the transition, but after the transition is made it tries to again navigate to the resistance guard causing a path failure.
To better show the bug. Start the following Profile from the Ala Mhigan Quarter Aetheryte (Forcing GetTo to use the transition).
Code:<Profile> <Order> <GetTo ZoneId="621" XYZ="403.3247, 116.7892, 69.89963"/> </Order> </Profile>
Log Attached.
Rewrote npctransport landing logic, now compares distance from when we interact rather then distance to where we were supposed to land
Added The Dawn Throne to list of aetherytes that need a larger distance to calculate a landing position
// Arrived at destination?
if (AtLocation(Core.Player.Location, immediateDestination))
var completionMessage = string.Format("Arrived at destination '{0}'", RoughDestination.Name);
// Land if we need to...
// NB: The act of landing may cause us to exceed the ArrivalTolerance specified.
if (Land)
//Sodimm: Nix the NB by forcing it to stop!
//await UtilityCoroutine.LandAndDismount(string.Format("Landing at destination '{0}'", RoughDestination.Name));
Log("Landing at destination '{0}'", RoughDestination.Name);
// Sodimm: no need for => var landed = await CommonTasks.Land();
if (Land && await CommonTasks.Land())
// Sodimm: maybe make sure we've landed.
await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => !MovementManager.IsFlying);
if (!MovementManager.IsFlying && Dismount)
// Sodimm: At least wait for the dismount to complete maybe? Yes.
await Coroutine.Wait(5000, () => !Core.Me.IsMounted);
// Sodimm: Then complete. Yay!
return true;
LogError("Failed to land at {0}",immediateDestination);
return false;
// Done...
return false;