Some Stormblood aethernet shards also sometimes suffer from bad range or height. I'm not sure if this is from the recent changes or not.
These specific cases can be fixed by lowering the interact range for aethernet shards, or getting closer until the height difference with the player is smaller. Shards are much smaller than aetheryte crystals and walking closer will better align the heights.
In Rhalgr's Reach, "Northeastern Rhalgr's Reach" is within interact range from the top of the hill, so the shard is "too far below":
In Kugane, "The Ruby Bazaar" is within interact range from the top of the stairs, so the shard is "too far below":
Unrelated: Reporting bugs or fixes is difficult because forum's spam filter almost always prevents me from posting logs or code, then randomly lets me post the
exact same text days later. Can you relax the spam filter or consider an alternate issue tracker, please? (e.g., non-code GitHub repo with only Issues enabled, à la