CommonTasks.Desynthesize either opens and closes the desynth and then times out or it starts the new desynth stack window, which either completes or it gets stuck there unable to close (even manually).
[21:40:55.915 D] OpenSalvageDialog with Albino Caiman 27431
[21:40:56.120 D] Desynthesizing Albino Caiman 27431 with 100 of success
[21:40:56.133 D] Waiting for the window to disappear.
[21:40:56.150 D] Waiting for the result window to appear.
[21:41:16.151 D] Result window didn't appear within the specified timeout, assuming failure
[21:41:16.152 D] OpenSalvageDialog with Albino Caiman 27431
[21:41:16.318 D] Desynthesizing Albino Caiman 27431 with 100 of success
[21:41:16.318 D] Waiting for the window to disappear.
[21:41:16.351 D] Waiting for the result window to appear.
[21:41:36.351 D] Result window didn't appear within the specified timeout, assuming failure
[21:41:36.587 D] OpenSalvageDialog with Hard Candy 27425
[21:41:36.785 D] Desynthesizing Hard Candy 27425 with 100 of success
[21:41:36.785 D] Waiting for the window to disappear.
[21:41:36.818 D] Waiting for the result window to appear.
[21:41:56.836 D] Result window didn't appear within the specified timeout, assuming failure
[21:41:56.836 D] OpenSalvageDialog with Hard Candy 27425