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[Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.686 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

The db.s3db file seems to be missing some of the quests and items from todays events. EventItem 2003462 is missing. It's also missing quests 70301 and 70302 which are used in the event today, preventing me from making a profile for them.
New build coming now
Hi mastahg, can you please change the event NeoProfileManager.GrindAreaChanged from internal to public so third-party code can subscribe?

I'm working on specialized ITargetingProvider implementations for use in party or dungeons and noticed DefaultCombatTargetingProvider subscribes to GrindAreaChanged to pre-process that data once instead of every tick. I can't do that myself since the event is internal and reflecting it is getting weird. These ITargetingProviders will be publicly available in case you want to snag anything for RB itself.

Hi mastahg, can you please change the event NeoProfileManager.GrindAreaChanged from internal to public so third-party code can subscribe?

I'm working on specialized ITargetingProvider implementations for use in party or dungeons and noticed DefaultCombatTargetingProvider subscribes to GrindAreaChanged to pre-process that data once instead of every tick. I can't do that myself since the event is internal and reflecting it is getting weird. These ITargetingProviders will be publicly available in case you want to snag anything for RB itself.


Doesn't sound too bad, I'll look into it.

hey mastahg, can we get ActionManager.DoPvPCombo method to pulse on the hotbar when it's used?

Yea, probably should do this as well as adding a method to provide the available combos instead of the current method.
Also need to add a pulse for the duty actions.
Version 572
Api Changes:
NeoProfileManager.GrindAreaChanged event is now public
Make sure to unsubscribe from this event when disposing of your targeting class

A new tag has been introduced allowing profile developers to incorporate advanced C# logic inside the profile.
More information can be found inside the newly included "codechunk examples.xml" that ships in the base folder

Bug fixes:
ActionManager.DoPvPCombo will now correctly pulse the hotbar when the setting is enabled.

Other changes:
Made some portions of the avoidance logic use multiple threads to speedup point in polygon checks, this will help improve the fps when under heavy avoidance scenarios. There are some still some conditions when the bot is inside heavy aoe and must stand there that the fps will stop drop heavily.
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Version 574

Optimize the default targeting logic for orderbot. 
Reordered the operations and reduced the time to 1/5 what it was previously. (.5-.6ms to 0.1ms)

There some further optimizations that can be done, but will likely be a breaking change so it'll have to wait for the next expansion

Default targeting logic will now also ignore TappedByOther when inside instances, should resolve the issue where the bot is standing around not targeting the remaining units.

Added GrindSafe tag, there are explicit instructions inside the tag on how and when it should be used by profile developers
Version 576
Should be better at picking spots to land.

Api changes:
The function FanOutRandom has been marked obsolete, please use the newly provided FanOutRandomAsync if you were using this function

MoveToSafe tag added for moving in high player environments
Version 577
Better handle inventory bags that have multiple sizes
I've finished working on the offsets, currently testing everything to make sure stuff is working correctly as there was a lot of internal movement with this release. After testing I still need to verify map data and the information we store in the provided db.
Version 579
Initial release for patch 6.5

As usual, with any issues please provide a log.
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Using ATB in dungeons crashes Buddy, while in openworld it works until stop then crash with getting single error message in logs. I've being told to post it here like maybe some offsets needs to be updated. @mastahg


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Using ATB in dungeons crashes Buddy, while in openworld it works until stop then crash with getting single error message in logs. I've being told to post it here like maybe some offsets needs to be updated. @mastahg
Yea, wrong offset. Restart rb and it should be working.
is returning 0 for items, at least for Tomestone of Causality items. I haven't checked others. Kayla mentioned that shop item struct broke for scrip shops so this may be a similar issue.
is returning 0 for items, at least for Tomestone of Causality items. I haven't checked others. Kayla mentioned that shop item struct broke for scrip shops so this may be a similar issue.
The struct changed and I fixed all of it for the first release except for one portion at the end of the struct. New build coming now that fixes the last part.