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[Release] RebornBuddy64 Version 1.0.686 - DirectX11 / x64 bit compatible

@Neverdyne do you know what the values are for the new crafting condition so i can add them to the CraftingCondition enum.
"Grade 2 Skybuilders' Walnut Log" doesn't show up in the GatheringWindowItems list.

Can you run

GatheringItem: { Level: 80, Chance: 100, HqChance: 255, Amount: 1, ItemData: Grade 2 Skybuilders' Walnut Log, ItemId: 29924, IsValid: True, VTable: 0x1FF6401220000, Pointer: 0x250932EECC8, SlotIndex: 3 }
Build 361
CraftingManager.Condition has been updated with the new conditions
GatheringManager should correctly return all filled slots
Hi mastahg
When in a deep dunegon the ActionManager.CanCast check doesn't return role action's availability correctly.
In deep dungeon i can actually use all the role actions below my real job level outside potd since potd level 1, but CanCast still requires a potd level to make a "true" return.
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Hi mastahg
When in a deep dunegon the ActionManager.CanCast check doesn't return role action's availability correctly.
In deep dungeon i can actually use all the role actions below my real job level outside potd since potd level 1, but CanCast still requires a potd level to make a "true" return.

Are there any role actions that are super important at low level? I noticed this a while ago but figured it wasn't a huge issue.

GetTo gets stuck if your destination is your return aetheryte and Return is on cooldown.

I can't seem to reproduce this. Do you have a log?
Limsa is set as my return aetheryte.

EDIT: By stuck I mean it's waiting for the return action to leave cooldown, instead of just using a regular TP.


Last edited:
Limsa is set as my return aetheryte.

EDIT: By stuck I mean it's waiting for the return action to leave cooldown, instead of just using a regular TP.

Interesting, seems to be an issue navigating away from the Firmament as it works correctly on other maps. Looking into this more now.
[18:47:53.565 N] [NavGraph] Path from <0.1783252, 0.05451381, 7.791891> Private Mansion - The Goblet(347) to <-122.59, 18, 19.54061> Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129) found:
[18:47:53.565 N] [NavGraph] Return to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(8) on Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129)
[18:47:53.565 N] [NavGraph] Move to <-122.59, 18, 19.54061> on Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129)
[18:47:53.565 N] [NavGraph] EndPath
[18:48:59.304 N] [NavGraph] Path from <-4.426306E-15, 0, 9.301827> Twin Adder Barracks(534) to <-122.59, 18, 19.54061> Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129) found:
[18:48:59.304 N] [NavGraph] Return to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(8) on Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129)
[18:48:59.304 N] [NavGraph] Move to <-122.59, 18, 19.54061> on Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks(129)
[18:48:59.304 N] [NavGraph] EndPath

Yeah it's only happening on subzones.
I've fixed it locally, just waiting a few more minutes for return to come off cooldown to test it one more time.
Hi mastahg,
Report a navigation issue, when use <GetTo ZoneId="814" XYZ="835.4067, -0.6000002, 205.9732" /> travel to Kholusia and have The Crystarium to Eulmore airship line unlocked,
it will stuck at the amaro manager npc 1027225 since it had a destination select option.
[20:07:46.356 N] [NavGraph] Path from <64.07265, 36.19769, -163.8737> 水晶都(819) to <835.4067, -0.6000002, 205.9732> 珂露西亚岛(814) found:
[20:07:46.356 N] [NavGraph] Move to <61.90588, 36.24769, -169.1768> on 水晶都(819) and interact with 1027225 to take us to <797.0678, 1.80688, 258.5438> on 珂露西亚岛(814)
[20:07:46.356 N] [NavGraph] Move to <835.4067, -0.6000002, 205.9732> on 珂露西亚岛(814)
[20:07:46.356 N] [NavGraph] EndPath
[20:07:46.387 D] Interacting with 新手阿马罗驯养人 0x23AD9C747F0
Version 364
Properly handle blacklisting players who attempt to trade with the bot

What are the chances of adding an IsSoldInGilShop or IsGilShopItem, or something to that affect? In godbert there is a list of all items that are sold in shops for Gil. (GilShopItem) I would like to know if there is away to add to add aManagers.Item property for anything on this list. Use cae would be for inventory management purposes IE: for all of the items in your or a retainers inventory that is IsGilShopItem, sell that sucker.

I've looked through the properties for some indication of the Shop Selling Price as listed in game when you hover over an item, but came up empty. (pic showing the price in a shop)

In the Item sheet in Godbert, the "mid" price represents the shop selling price, but, there are values in there for items that are also NOT sold in shops.

Anything else I can provide to make it easier, I am happy to do.
in a botbase/plugin results in
[22:01:34.479 N] Compiler Error: error CS2007: Unrecognized option: '/optimise'

since it's "optimize" which is used correctly as a compiler option for NeoProfiles.Tags.RunCodes but in Clio.Utilities.Compiler.CodeCompiler it went all British English spelling which is really rude that Microsoft doesn't accept.
Version 365
CraftingManager.SetRecipe better handles detecting that we have the desired recipe