10:28:29.509 DEBUG DefaultNavigationProvider Generated path to <1573.75, 543.75, 0> (Dungeon Node 1574, 544, 0, Dir=W) with 8 hops.
10:28:29.576 DEBUG IfTag File "", line 5
return bool(Zeta.Bot.Settings.GlobalSettings.Instance.LastProfile.Contains('RBF') and not (ActorExistsAt(135248, ZetaDia.Me.Position.X, ZetaDia.Me.Position.Y, ZetaDia.Me.Position.Z, 100))
SyntaxError: unexpected token '<newline>'
10:28:29.577 INFO BotMain Stopping the bot.
10:28:29.577 INFO BotMain Session lasted for: 02:20:16.7955763
10:28:29.578 DEBUG BotMain CurrentBot.Stop()
10:28:29.998 DEBUG BotMain Navigator.Clear()