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[Release] Complete AdvancedItemFilter - Save only item with good affixes. !!Beta!!


Community Developer
Dec 27, 2014
Ok this is probably my biggest release so here goes.


This does not replace the static item filter that EB uses, it overrides it for rares !
If you want to keep saving 5L/6L/Currencies/Maps/unique keep them configured in your static item filter.
If you want a good static item filter to use with this dynamic filter, override yours by mine in the folder Settings/<name of EB Profile>/


Download View attachment AdvancedItemFilterAndChaosRecipeExtension.zip and extract everything in your EB folder.
If you want to keep using your own static filter on top of this, do not override the Settings folder.
The included static filter will sell chromatics, 6S and save 5L/6L/rods/maps/gems with quality


There is nothing to configure, if you want to modify "desirable affixes", check the source of MyItemEvaluation and poemods.com to make it fit to your needs.

What does it keep ?

I'm using affixes scanning with a static table of desirable affixes for each type and category of weapons/armors/equipments
If a gear has 6 total affixes, it needs 4 desirable affixes to be saved, if it has 5, it needs 3. etc

What are the implemented category? How does it work?

For weapons i'm using 4 differents categories :
Phys weapons (It'll look for affixes like crit, crit multi, flat phys, phys%, hybrid phys%, aspd)
Ele weapons (Attack speed, crit, crit multi, flat ele dmg, WED)
Caster weapons (+2 to gems, cast speed, spell damage, projectile speed, global crit for spell, etc)
CoC Weapons (high crit, aspd, spell dmg, global crit)
Phys quivers + Life
Generic for every piece of armor: Resist/Life/ES/Mana
Every type of armor (ES, Armor, Eva, ES/ARM, ES/EVA, EVA/ARM)
Rarity on Helmet only (gloves/boots BiS are uniques so rarity on them aren't desirable stats)
MSPD on boots
Gloves has a category for phys (aspd/flat phys) AND ele (flat ele, aspd, accuracy)
4 categories for jewelry as well, just check the source.
Every category of desirable mods combination are distinct, if an item has 4 T1 stats of different category, the filter will consider it as trash and vendor it. It keeps the desirable stats within their own context.

Does it keep potentially high dps weapons ?

If an item has low dps but is jsut missing one mod to become GG, it means it has 5 desirable affixes, even if the dps is low, one lucky ex will turn it into a 50ex weapons, so yes it will save those. Anything saved is potentially "craftable" even if it looks trash to you.

Desirable mods/categories implemented :

Raw code :
 public List<string> DesirablePhysWeaponMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Annealed", "Razor Sharp","Tempered","Flaring",
                "of Skill","of Ease","of Mastery","of Renown","of Acclaim","of Fame","of Infamy","of Celebration",
                "of Fury","of Ferocity","of Destruction",
                "of Piercing", "of Puncturing","of Penetrating","of Incision"
        public List<string> DesirableElementalWeaponMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Glaciated", "Polar", "Emtombing",
                "Incinerating", "Blasting", "Cremating",
                "Shocking", "Discharging", "Electrocuting",
                "Infusing", "Empowering", "Unleashed", 
                "of Mastery","of Renown","of Acclaim","of Fame","of Infamy","of Celebration",
                "of Fury","of Ferocity","of Destruction",
                "of Piercing", "of Puncturing","of Penetrating","of Incision"

        public List<string> DesirableCoCWeaponMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Professor's", "Occultist's", "Incanter's", "Glyphic's",
                "Warlock's", "Mage's", "Archmage's",
                "of Mastery","of Renown","of Acclaim","of Fame","of Infamy","of Celebration",
                "of Calamity", "of Ruin", "of Unmaking",
                "of Fury","of Ferocity","of Destruction",
                "of Piercing" , "of Puncturing","of Penetrating","of Incision"

        public List<string> DesirableCasterWeaponMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Professor's", "Occultist's", "Incanter's", "Glyphic's",
                "Warlock's", "Mage's", "Archmage's",
                "Lava Caller's", 
                "Tempest King's", 
                "of Legerdemain", "of Prestidigitation", "of Sortilege",
                "of Propulsion", "of the Zephyr",
                "of Floe","of Glaciation",
                "of Immolation","of Ashes",
                "of Discharge","of Arcing",
                "of Calamity", "of Ruin", "of Unmaking",
                "of Fury","of Ferocity","of Destruction",


        public List<string> GenericResistEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Virile", "Athlete's", "Fecund", "Vigorous",
                "of the Walrus", "of the Polar Bear", "of the Ice",
                "of the Furnace", "of the Volcano", "of the Magma",
                "of the Tempest", "of the Maelstrom", "of the Lightning",
                "of Expulsion", "of Exile"

        public List<string> ArmorEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Plated", "Carapaced",
                "Thickened", "Girded",
                "Elephant's", "Mammoth's"

        public List<string> EvasionEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Blurred", "Vaporous",
                "Phantasm's", "Nightmare's",
                "Dragonfly's", "Hummingbird's"

        public List<string> EnergyEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent",
                "Fearless", "Dauntless", "Unconquerable",
                "Naga's", "Djinn's", "Seraphin's", 
                "Chalybeous", "Mazarine", "Blue"

        public List<string> ArmorEvasionEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Plated", "Carapaced",
                "Blurred", "Vaporous",
                "Duelist's", "Hero's",
                "Elephant's", "Mammoth's"

        public List<string> ArmorEnergyEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Plated", "Carapaced",
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent",
                "Inculcated", "Interpolated",
                "Naga's", "Djinn's", "Seraphin's", 
                "Chalybeous", "Mazarine", "Blue"

        public List<string> EvasionEnergyEquipmentMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Blurred", "Vaporous",
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent",
                "Evanescent", "Unreal",
                "Dragonfly's", "Hummingbird's", 
                "Chalybeous", "Mazarine", "Blue"

        public List<string> GlovesMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Honed", "Gleaming",
                "of Mastery", "of Grandmastery"

        public List<string> BootsMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Gazelle's", "Cheetah's"

        public List<string> HelmetsMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Pirate's", "Dragon's",
                "of Archaeology", "of Excavation"

        public List<string> ShieldsMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Lava Caller's", 
                "Tempest King's",
                "Occultist's", "Incanter's", "Glyphic's",
                "of Calamity", "of Ruin", "of Unmaking" 

        public List<string> BeltsMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Plated", "Carapaced",
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent",
                "Empowering", "Unleashed"

        public List<string> QuiversMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Polished", "Honed",
                "Virile", "Athlete's", "Fecund", 
                "Empowering", "Unleashed", 
                "of Ease", "of Mastery",
                "of Anger", "of Rage", "of Fury", "of Ferocity", "of Destruction", 
                "of Puncturing", "of Penetrating", "of Incision"

        public List<string> GenericResistJewelryMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
		        "Robust", "Rotund", "Virile",
		        "of the Walrus", "of the Polar Bear", "of the Ice",
		        "of the Furnace", "of the Volcano", "of the Magma",
		        "of the Tempest", "of the Maelstrom", "of the Lightning",
		        "of Expulsion", "of Exile",
		        "of the Rainbow"

        public List<string> GenericRarityJewelryMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
		        "Pirate's", "Dragon's", 
		        "of Archaeology", "of Excavation"

        public List<string> PhysRingMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Honed", "Gleaming", "Annealed", 
                "of Skill", 
                "Blurred", "Phased",
                "of the Assassin",
                "of the Comet"

        public List<string> CasterRingMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Blazing", "Scintillating", "Incandescent",
                "Chalybeous", "Mazarine", "Blue", 
                "of Talent", 
                "of Sleet", 
                "of Coals", 
                "of Static",
                "of Bliss", "of Euphoria", "of Nirvana", 
                "of the Comet"

        public List<string> ElementalRingMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Polar", "Emtombing",
                "Blasting", "Cremating", 
                "Discharging", "Electrocuting", 
                "Empowering", "Unleashed", 
                "of the Ranger", "of the Assassin",
                "of Skill",
                "of Rejuvenation"


        public List<string> PhysAmuletMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Razor Sharp", "Tempered", "Flaring", 
                "Thickened", "Solid", "Impregnable", 
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent", 
                "Dauntless", "Indomitable", "Unassailable",
                "Blurred", "Phased", "Vaporous",
                "Thirsty", "Parched",
                "Mazarine", "Blue",
                "of Anger", "of Rage", "of Fury", "of Ferocity", "of Destruction", 
                "of Puncturing", "of Penetrating", "of Incision"

        public List<string> CasterAmuletMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent", 
                "Dauntless", "Indomitable", "Unassailable",
                "Mazarine", "Blue", 
                "Thaumaturgist's", "Wizard's", 
                "of the Galaxy", "of the Universe", "of the Infinite",
                "of Nimbleness", "of Expertise", 
                "of Ice", 
                "of Cinders", 
                "of Electricity",
                "of Bliss", "of Euphoria", "of Nirvana", 
                "of Anger", "of Rage", "of Fury", "of Ferocity", "of Destruction", 
                "of Puncturing", "of Penetrating", "of Incision"

        public List<string> ElementalAmuletMod = new List<string>(new string[] 
                "Thickened", "Solid", "Impregnable", 
                "Scintillating", "Incandescent", "Resplendent", 
                "Dauntless", "Indomitable", "Unassailable",
                "Blurred", "Phased", "Vaporous",
                "Polar", "Emtombing",
                "Blasting", "Cremating", 
                "Discharging", "Electrocuting", 
                "Empowering", "Unleashed", 
                "of the Ranger", "of the Assassin",
                "of Regrowth"

As you can see it's mostly T3+ affixes, so don't expect it to save lots of items if you farm low level areas.

Is every build implemented ?

No of course not, some funky builds work with a combination of affixes that are pretty exotic. If you want a specific build category added to the filter set that isn't already covered by my filter, just post an example of a BiS weapon/equipment for that build and i will make a category for it in the next update.

Dynamic chaos recipe

The filter has an internal tracker for the chaos recipe, it'll save up to 20 amulets, 20 rings and 1 for the rest of the set unidentified for you to sell later. Once these caps are hit, it'll
identify them and run it against the filter.

Selling chaos recipe?

Enable the second plugin that comes with the filter, whenever a set is complete it'll vendor it for 2 chaos.

Conflicts :

Do not use these two plugins with any other Custom item filter or the bundled chaos recipe plugin, they're incompatible so make sure you disable it or even delete it.

Support/help :

If you wish to donate or even help me with some other stuff, feel free to pm me.
Any installation issue goes to this thread though, do not pm me about the plugin not workng correctly.
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wow sounds pretty amazing. Hope to give this a chance later. Thanks for the awesome release :D
FYI for your static Item Filter. The Filter 'Chaos Items' is causing the bot to stash identified boots/gloves/helms. Had a bit of trouble with this stashing stuff it was not suppose to from the other filters, but I figured it was this filter because the 'identified' check was left untouched, where it probably needs to be marked as negative so that it will only stash unID's.

At least that's my understanding. I have amended it on mine and am going to see how it goes.

Also, does anyone get the message "The current bot does not support using the Item Filter" when this plugin is active? Only two plugins I've found do this, this one, and the chancing plug in. Haven't found a solution to either so far other than shutting bot down and restarting it. After that, I can then access the Static Filter.
Pretty sure i don't have a chaos item entry on my static filter O_o
"Description": "Chaos Recipe",
"Enabled": false,
"Types": [
Pretty sure it's disabled.
Pretty sure i don't have a chaos item entry on my static filter O_o
"Description": "Chaos Recipe",
"Enabled": false,
"Types": [
Pretty sure it's disabled.

Probably was, I enabled it. Majority of the save filters were disabled, figured you meant for us to enable the ones we wanted. All good, just thought I'd let you know for future reference.

Something else I have noticed. There is a partial set of unID's has been kept in the first tab but due to the tab being full (from currency) there is no more room to stash unID's, so they have been put in the second tab, of which there is about 2 full sets in total. When the bot goes through the tasks, it seems to be checking the chaos items and saying there is not any full sets available. It is hard to tell, if it is still collecting any unID's still though.

Would any logs be helpful to debug?

EDIT: After another look, I think it is stashing boots/gloves/helmets as per the Static list we were just discussing, and not because it is trying to fill it's chaos count. I cannot check though because I am getting the aforementioned error and need to restart EB.

It is saying this after loading in from a map:
DEBUG Logger (null) - [ChaosAndChanceRecipeWithdrawTask] Now resetting task state.
DEBUG Logger (null) - [ChaosAndChanceRecipeSellTask] Now resetting task state.

And that is all the reference it has towards the chaos recipe for that trip. Bear in mind I only have your ChaosRecipeExtensionPlugin and AdvancedItemFilter enabled as far as plugins go (for item related plugins, ie no customfilters). Should I have the standard ChaosChanceRecipe enabled as well? Your intro left me with the impression it was not to be used.
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Is the ChaosChanceRecipe plugin enable or not?
Enable this one only, remove the ChaosChanceRecipe, it will conflict.

For the static filter thing, just override it again by mine, close bot and before starting it just hold every piece of unid in your inventory so it'll stash what's needd and id/sell rest. Those logs are normal.

This is incompatible with the chanceplugin btw as both are item filter i believe, are you using it?
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Is the ChaosChanceRecipe plugin enable or not?

For me, the standard ChaosChanceRecipe is not enabled no. The wording on AdvancedItemFilter led me to believe it handled the selling. That's what I'm clarrifying, whether ChaosChanceRecipe also needs to be enabled. It isn't clearly stated it is needed.

Selling chaos recipe?

Enable the second plugin that comes with the filter, whenever a set is complete it'll vendor it for 2 chaos.

So I've only enabled the second plugin, ChaosRecipeExtensionPlugin.
Enable this one only, remove the ChaosChanceRecipe, it will conflict.

For the static filter thing, just override it again by mine, close bot and before starting it just hold every piece of unid in your inventory so it'll stash what's needd and id/sell rest. Those logs are normal.

This is incompatible with the chanceplugin btw as both are item filter i believe, are you using it?

No I'm having an issue with it not working properly, so it is still in my plugin folders just not enabled.

When I next get a chance I will change over the Static Filter again.

Cheers for the replies Jyam.
The provided plugin only works as a complement to the advanceditemfilter btw, they both need to be enabled from runtime for it to work.
When your advanceditemfilter stashes an item, there's an internal counter that keeps track of all un'id stashed. Once it has enough for a set, it sets a flag for the sell plugin to use.

The internal counter is "active" only while the bot is "running", if you pause it and stash stuff by yourself it will still keep the previous count when you restart it.
Also if you close the bot altogether, the tracker is gone and you'll either have to hold all your uni'd stuff in your inventory to make a proper reset or just sell those and start from 0.
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[IdItemsUsingInventoryCoroutine] Now using Scroll of Wisdom on Overgrown Shrine Map.
[IdTask] IdItemsUsingStashCoroutine returned UseItemFailed.
[CloseBlockingWindows] LokiPoe.Gui.IsLeftPanelShown || LokiPoe.Gui.IsRightPanelShown. Closing them.
[StashTask] The bot has failed to id items 3 times. Now stopping the bot because it cannot continue.
[Stop] Now requesting the BotThread to stop.

Corrupted a cartographers box and there was un-id+corrupted map inside, which can't be identified at all, so how to set it up so that this wont cause bot to stop due failing to identify?
The provided plugin only works as a complement to the advanceditemfilter btw, they both need to be enabled from runtime for it to work.
When your advanceditemfilter stashes an item, there's an internal counter that keeps track of all un'id stashed. Once it has enough for a set, it sets a flag for the sell plugin to use.

The internal counter is "active" only while the bot is "running", if you pause it and stash stuff by yourself it will still keep the previous count when you restart it.
Also if you close the bot altogether, the tracker is gone and you'll either have to hold all your uni'd stuff in your inventory to make a proper reset or just sell those and start from 0.
I tried this but didn't seem to work. I paused bot sold some items etc then filled up inventory with unid items that were currently kept in inventory. It I'd some and deposited the rest but counter doesn't appear to work perfectly as I have a full set but hasn't vendored it yet.
Enable this one only, remove the ChaosChanceRecipe, it will conflict.

For the static filter thing, just override it again by mine, close bot and before starting it just hold every piece of unid in your inventory so it'll stash what's needd and id/sell rest. Those logs are normal.

This is incompatible with the chanceplugin btw as both are item filter i believe, are you using it?

Thank you for your replying.
I tried this but didn't seem to work. I paused bot sold some items etc then filled up inventory with unid items that were currently kept in inventory. It I'd some and deposited the rest but counter doesn't appear to work perfectly as I have a full set but hasn't vendored it yet.
Are they all ilvl60-74 ? Is the secondary plugin enabled?
I think its missing ranger filter, Bows and Quivers.
Also I have noticed its keeping 4s/4l whites in my stash is there any reason why its not selling them instead?

Aside from that great job! I love the fact you gave us everything more organized, it really made everything more efficient.
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I think its missing ranger filter, Bows and Quivers.
Also I have noticed its keeping 4s/4l whites in my stash is there any reason why its not selling them instead?

Aside from that great job! I love the fact you gave us everything more organized, it really made everything more efficient.

It's keeping phys/ele bows + phys/crit/aspd/life quivers
4S/4L whites should be in your static, this handles only the ID/Saving of rares