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Reflection Bug?


New Member
Feb 14, 2012
[3:15:28 PM:715] Logging in...
[3:15:29 PM:577]
[3:15:30 PM:697] Attached to WoW with ID 4296
[3:15:30 PM:799] Honorbuddy v2.0.0.5800 started!
[3:15:30 PM:799] Using WoW with process ID 4296
[3:15:30 PM:799] Platform: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
[3:15:30 PM:799] Executable Path: C:\HonorBuddy\Honorbuddy.exe
[3:15:30 PM:803] Character is a level 85 Human Paladin
[3:15:30 PM:803] Current zone is Uldum
[3:15:30 PM:807] New bot added!: ArchaeologyBuddy
[3:15:31 PM:008] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: Currently supported tanking dungeons :
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (This list will update itself automatically)
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]:
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Deadmines
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 15 - 21) Ragefire Chasm
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 16 - 26) Shadowfang Keep
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 20 - 30) The Stockade
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 26 - 36) Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 29 - 39) Scarlet Monastery - Library
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 32 - 42) Scarlet Monastery - Armory
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 35 - 45) Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 38 - 48) Scholomance
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 42 - 52) Stratholme - Main Gate
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 46 - 56) Stratholme - Service Entrance
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 57 - 67) Hellfire Ramparts
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 59 - 68) The Blood Furnace
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 62 - 71) Mana Tombs
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: (Level 65 - 73) Sethekk Halls
[3:15:31 PM:010] [Instancebuddy]: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[3:15:31 PM:476] New bot added!: Instancebuddy
[3:15:31 PM:479] New bot added!: BGBuddy
[3:15:31 PM:505] New bot added!: Gatherbuddy2
[3:15:31 PM:507] New bot added!: Grind Bot
[3:15:31 PM:509] New bot added!: Questing
[3:15:31 PM:513] New bot added!: Mixed Mode
[3:15:31 PM:515] New bot added!: PartyBot
[3:15:32 PM:315] New bot added!: Combat Bot
[3:15:32 PM:315] New bot added!: ProfessionBuddy
[3:15:32 PM:327] MeshesFolderPath: C:\Users\Chris McCormick\AppData\Local\HonorbuddyMeshes
[3:15:32 PM:327] KillBetweenHotspots: False
[3:15:32 PM:327] AdvancedSettingsMode: True
[3:15:32 PM:327] LogoutForInactivity: True
[3:15:32 PM:327] LogoutInactivityTimer: 10
[3:15:32 PM:327] LogoutInactivityUseForceQuit: False
[3:15:32 PM:327] ProfileDebuggingMode: False
[3:15:32 PM:327] FoodAmount: 20
[3:15:32 PM:327] DrinkAmount: 20
[3:15:32 PM:327] EnabledPlugins:
[3:15:32 PM:328] AutoEquip2
[3:15:32 PM:328] Bug Submitter
[3:15:32 PM:328] jMon
[3:15:32 PM:328] Rare Mob Killer
[3:15:32 PM:328] Refreshment Detection
[3:15:32 PM:328] Talented
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormLocationX: 107
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormLocationY: 234
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormWidth: 396
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormHeight: 578
[3:15:32 PM:328] SelectedBotIndex: 3
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseFlightPaths: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] FindMountAutomatically: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseRandomMount: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] FoodName: 58268
[3:15:32 PM:328] DrinkName: Highland Spring Water
[3:15:32 PM:328] MountName: Tyrael's Charger
[3:15:32 PM:328] FlyingMountName: Tyrael's Charger
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootMobs: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] SkinMobs: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] NinjaSkin: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootChests: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] HarvestMinerals: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] HarvestHerbs: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseMount: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] PullDistance: 15
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootRadius: 45
[3:15:32 PM:328] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] TrainNewSkills: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] LearnFlightPaths: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] LastUsedPath: C:\HonorBuddy\Profiles\Farming\Rare Mounts\Camel Figurine by Francofun (FULL).xml
[3:15:32 PM:328] LastUsedPath: C:\HonorBuddy\Profiles\Farming\Rare Mounts\Camel Figurine by Francofun (FULL).xml
[3:15:32 PM:328] MountDistance: 75
[3:15:32 PM:328] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] GroundMountFarmingMode: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] FoodAmount: 20
[3:15:32 PM:328] DrinkAmount: 20
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormLocationX: 107
[3:15:32 PM:328] FormLocationY: 234
[3:15:32 PM:328] SelectedBotIndex: 3
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseFlightPaths: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] FindMountAutomatically: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseRandomMount: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] FoodName: 58268
[3:15:32 PM:328] DrinkName: Highland Spring Water
[3:15:32 PM:328] MountName: Tyrael's Charger
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootMobs: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] SkinMobs: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] NinjaSkin: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootChests: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] HarvestMinerals: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] HarvestHerbs: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] UseMount: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] PullDistance: 15
[3:15:32 PM:328] LootRadius: 45
[3:15:32 PM:328] FindVendorsAutomatically: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] TrainNewSkills: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] LearnFlightPaths: True
[3:15:32 PM:328] LastUsedPath: C:\HonorBuddy\Profiles\Farming\Rare Mounts\Camel Figurine by Francofun (FULL).xml
[3:15:32 PM:328] MountDistance: 75
[3:15:32 PM:328] RessAtSpiritHealers: False
[3:15:32 PM:328] Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
[3:15:32 PM:329] Activity: Initializing.
[3:15:32 PM:330] Activity: Loading memory management & tables
[3:15:32 PM:342] Activity: Loading Spells
[3:15:32 PM:367] H: 7B-8B-C6-74-2A-94-01-6B-82-85-1A-EB-F4-C8-6D-CD-67-5E-9A-27
[3:15:32 PM:367] V:
[3:15:32 PM:376] Activity: Initializing Spell Manager
[3:15:32 PM:389] Activity: Initializing Plugins
[3:15:32 PM:391]
[3:15:32 PM:889] [WeigtSet] Selected weight set: Paladin-Retribution
[3:15:33 PM:246] [jMon]: Checking for new version
[3:15:34 PM:605] [jMon]: No updates found
[3:15:34 PM:605] [jMon]: v.1.14 initalized
[3:15:36 PM:399] Rarekiller: Loading config file: C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\config\Rarekiller.config
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: CATA=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: WOTLK=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BC=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: LowRAR=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: TLPD=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Poseidus=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: RaptorNest=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: HuntByID=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: MobID=
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: NotKillTameable=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: TameDefault=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: TameByID=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: TameMobID=
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: UseSlowfall=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Spell=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: SlowfallSpell=
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Cloak=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Item=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: SlowfallItem=Snowfall Lager
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Falltimer=900
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: DefaultPull=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Pull=
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Range=3
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Vyragosa=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ShootVyra=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Blazewing=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BloodseekerSearch=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BloodseekerKill=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistCheck=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistTime=180
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: GroundMountMode=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: DontKillTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: WinnerTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ZoneSave=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Alert=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Wisper=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: GuildChat=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileFoundRare=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileWisper=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileGuild=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Keyer=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ContinentChange=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: JustAlert=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: KillWoW=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: LogOut=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Plugin Rarekiller Load: Message1=/s lol, why i'm now in
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Message2=/g I log off, bb
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollows=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollowsLogout=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollowsTime=180
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: LootSuccess=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenAeonaxx=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenRarekiller=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenCamel=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenTamer=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenFound=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: ScreenSuccess=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Aeonaxx=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: AeonaxxTestcaseTrainingDummy=False
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Camel=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Collect=True
[3:15:36 PM:400] Rarekiller Load: Dormus=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller: Loading config file: C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\config\Rarekiller.config
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: CATA=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: WOTLK=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BC=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: LowRAR=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: TLPD=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Poseidus=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: RaptorNest=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: HuntByID=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: MobID=
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: NotKillTameable=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: TameDefault=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: TameByID=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: TameMobID=
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: UseSlowfall=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Spell=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: SlowfallSpell=
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Cloak=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Item=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: SlowfallItem=Snowfall Lager
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Falltimer=900
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: DefaultPull=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Pull=
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Range=3
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Vyragosa=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: ShootVyra=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Blazewing=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BloodseekerSearch=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BloodseekerKill=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistCheck=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistTime=180
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: GroundMountMode=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: DontKillTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: BlacklistTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: WinnerTagged=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: ZoneSave=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Alert=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Wisper=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: GuildChat=False
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileFoundRare=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileWisper=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: SoundfileGuild=C:\HonorBuddy\Plugins\RareKiller\Sounds\siren.wav
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: Keyer=True
[3:15:36 PM:567] Rarekiller Load: ContinentChange=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: JustAlert=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: KillWoW=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: LogOut=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Plugin Rarekiller Load: Message1=/s lol, why i'm now in
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: Message2=/g I log off, bb
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollows=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollowsLogout=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: PlayerFollowsTime=180
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: LootSuccess=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenAeonaxx=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenRarekiller=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenCamel=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenTamer=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenFound=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: ScreenSuccess=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: Aeonaxx=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: AeonaxxTestcaseTrainingDummy=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: Camel=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: Collect=True
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Load: Dormus=False
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rare Mob Killer - Version 3.3 Loaded.
[3:15:36 PM:568] Rarekiller Part Tamer: I'm no Hunter. Deactivate the Tamer Part
[3:15:36 PM:756] Activity: Initializing Navigator
[3:15:36 PM:795] Activity: Initializing Blackspot Manager
[3:15:36 PM:797] Activity: Initializing Battlegrounds
[3:15:36 PM:798] Activity: Initializing Flight Paths
[3:15:36 PM:823] Activity: Initializing Routines
[3:15:36 PM:826] Building spell book
[3:15:36 PM:829] Spell book built
[3:15:36 PM:829] Compiling C:\HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\fpsware Paladin
[3:15:37 PM:161] Compiling C:\HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\ShamWOW
[3:15:37 PM:532] Compiling C:\HonorBuddy\CustomClasses\Singular
[3:15:38 PM:241] Activity: Initialization complete
[3:15:38 PM:241] Initialization complete.
[3:15:38 PM:241] Honorbuddy is up-to-date
[3:15:38 PM:242] Activity: Honorbuddy Startup Complete
[3:15:39 PM:803] Starting the bot!
[3:15:41 PM:242] Downloaded tilemap Kalimdor
[3:15:41 PM:401] Changed tilemap to Kalimdor, Tiled: True
[3:15:41 PM:448] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.
[3:15:41 PM:484] Changing current profile to Mysterious Camel Figurine by FrancoFun
[3:15:43 PM:977] Chose Fpsware Paladin(0.1.2) by Fpsware as your combat class!
[3:15:44 PM:023] Creating 'Rest' behavior
[3:15:44 PM:024] Creating 'Pull' behavior
[3:15:44 PM:026] Creating 'Heal' behavior
[3:15:44 PM:027] Creating 'Combat' behavior
[3:15:44 PM:149] Cleared POI
[3:15:44 PM:149] Cleared POI - Reason Starting up
[3:15:44 PM:150] Cleared POI
[3:15:44 PM:313] You are a level 85 Retribution Paladin
[3:15:44 PM:823] Activity: Moving to next hotspot
[3:16:28 PM:547] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#eve[T](UInt32 field)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#dve[T](Int32 offsetIndex)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level()
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.#3Uc()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter, Delegate catchHandler)

Im not sure what the problem is, but this is my latest log. Any help will be possible.

I copy and pasted the log instead of uploading it. Didn't think there was a problem either way I did it? It is there in it's entirety.

Description of the problem?

When I go to debug I see red text saying this:

[3:16:28 PM:547] System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#eve[T](UInt32 field)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject.#dve[T](Int32 offsetIndex)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Level()
at Honorbuddy.MainWindow.#3Uc()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle._InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, SignatureStruct& sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethodFast(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, MethodAttributes methodAttributes, RuntimeTypeHandle typeOwner)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean skipVisibilityChecks)
at System.Delegate.DynamicInvokeImpl(Object[] args)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter)
at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Boolean isSingleParameter, Delegate catchHandler)


I copy and pasted the log instead of uploading it. Didn't think there was a problem either way I did it? It is there in it's entirety.

its not how you think that its correct,but how we think its correct to report a bug

make a new Hb installation from scratch
disable all your wow addons
use only the essential plugins and let me know
No error or nothing red coming up in debug mode. Should I enable addons one by one to try to figure out what problem. then go to the respective addon thread if I find a problem?
No error or nothing red coming up in debug mode. Should I enable addons one by one to try to figure out what problem. then go to the respective addon thread if I find a problem?

yup,try that
Besides the fresh install the profile I am using is Camel Figurine by Francofun (FULL) using GB2
there are chances its a profile issue as well

i assume you get it only on this profile?
Does the log get spammed with that message? Or does it happen once in a while?

Its due to HB trying to read a value off an object, that's been invalidated. (Basically; its failing "gracefully" instead of crashing the client)
Does the log get spammed with that message? Or does it happen once in a while?

Its due to HB trying to read a value off an object, that's been invalidated. (Basically; its failing "gracefully" instead of crashing the client)

I'm pretty much having the same error, though it appears for me when running Titan Arms with LazyRaider (working out the kinks).
Could this somehow cause extra problems in CCs? (I have no idea what the error itself means)

Fresh install of HB, no addons, deleted Cache (I've seen it in some other peoples logs as well)


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Does the log get spammed with that message? Or does it happen once in a while?

Its due to HB trying to read a value off an object, that's been invalidated. (Basically; its failing "gracefully" instead of crashing the client)

happens every once in awhile over and over
It's caused by jMon, something I'm trying to figure why its bugging like this.

After quite a bit of debugging i cant find any pattern why this happens. However it wont spam your debug tab. with the reflection messages. in next revision. (i catch most exceptions)
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It's an bug in jMon, something I'm working on.

After quite a bit of debugging i cant find any pattern why this happens. However it wont spam your debug tab. with the reflection messages.

Happens without Jmon. Pretty much every log I suspect will contain this. Or quite a few at least
Ahh ok good, not good but ok not entirely only jMons fault ;)

jMon now catches all exceptions, so jMon should no longer be a factor causing this error message. It will print an error in log, however its only informative so it wont cause hb anything.