nope. entering a new phase here with this hacks business, as opposed to the "economic exploitation" they've slapped on everything for past couple years, and that was always reversed with a ticket. it's pretty weird they are going with "hacks" and not their "3rd-party program" or bots email.
first time and done, just like diablo.
I lost one about 2 weeks old with a tiny bit of GB2 gathering, never over an hour at a time. tons of human players do more gathering per day by hand, no bans.
I think it's just a policy change for some reason, they've decided to go after gatherbots earlier and with no reprieve. personally it makes more sense to me, I never understood how they'd permaban some bot that was running GB2 20 hours/day for months for "economy exploitation" then just reverse it 5 min later. it's obviously a bot, duh. only explanation is they just didn't want to lose accounts and subs, or they really went with the theory that most of these accounts are compromised... but that's easy to check, and they never did, they'd reverse it anyways.
thing is, if they are permabanning FOR REAL pristine, no warnings, accounts that are just gathering a few hours per day for a couple weeks... it's completely not worth the bother. it's a lot of money for a new account and a LOT of pain in the ass to get a toon to 90 with maxed herb/mine.