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Real banocaust survivor here. Looking at making a new run in these dark times.


New Member
Jan 8, 2012
Hello! I am a returning wow player. I have dodged the 2 biggest bans- that i know about, something most people can not say they have done. The one at may of last year and the one 4-6 months later. I have a good record of bypassing and judging how to avoid and reduce the likelihood of receiving these bans and watching for the key indicators of a likely ban and what time i should stop. As a casual botter my only objective its to get everything in the game and that so far has gone pretty well I am easily part of the top .5% of wow player on collections and this isn't all thanks to boting but is mildly thanks to botting. I haven't played wow since Halloween or Christmas of last year I believe. Got genuinely bored and moved onto playing steam games. I legitimately just got bored. Playing ark survival muh god that game was fun.

SO MY QUESTIONS IS 1. How long ago was the last detected ban wave? 2. Whats the state of honorbuddy and what of the tension between honorbuddy and the wow community?
Inb4, state of honorbuddy is same as well as the tension. yes yes wellplayed. Also because someone always posts this. Yeah I know don't bot on what you don't want to lose, thanks for the tip m8 lol. No one EVER knows when they are going to ban us. LOL. THEY WILL KEEP YOU ON THE BOOKS FOR YEARS AND YEARS THEN BAN YOU. muh sides. Etc etc.

I have been looking around, but making a thread just seems faster to catch up. Anything unusual in the past year of 2016 tells me about it cheers and thanks! Happy botting!

Pro tip: there will be a big ban wave 100% before legion launches. I can almost guarantee that. For some of us this is common logic for others... here is free candy. How you eat it is up to you and when you eat it is the bigger question.
Hello! I am a returning wow player. I have dodged the 2 biggest bans- that i know about, something most people can not say they have done. The one at may of last year and the one 4-6 months later. I have a good record of bypassing and judging how to avoid and reduce the likelihood of receiving these bans and watching for the key indicators of a likely ban and what time i should stop. As a casual botter my only objective its to get everything in the game and that so far has gone pretty well I am easily part of the top .5% of wow player on collections and this isn't all thanks to boting but is mildly thanks to botting. I haven't played wow since Halloween or Christmas of last year I believe. Got genuinely bored and moved onto playing steam games. I legitimately just got bored. Playing ark survival muh god that game was fun.

SO MY QUESTIONS IS 1. How long ago was the last detected ban wave? 2. Whats the state of honorbuddy and what of the tension between honorbuddy and the wow community?
Inb4, state of honorbuddy is same as well as the tension. yes yes wellplayed. Also because someone always posts this. Yeah I know don't bot on what you don't want to lose, thanks for the tip m8 lol. No one EVER knows when they are going to ban us. LOL. THEY WILL KEEP YOU ON THE BOOKS FOR YEARS AND YEARS THEN BAN YOU. muh sides. Etc etc.

I have been looking around, but making a thread just seems faster to catch up. Anything unusual in the past year of 2016 tells me about it cheers and thanks! Happy botting!

Pro tip: there will be a big ban wave 100% before legion launches. I can almost guarantee that. For some of us this is common logic for others... here is free candy. How you eat it is up to you and when you eat it is the bigger question.
1. The banwaves happened with 7 months delay - 13.05 then 16.12.2015. There was some batch bans in jan/feb but they were just several dozens, definitely not banwaves at all!

2. Honorbuddy is in good state now, and its mostly used by the wow community obviously, so the hb community is part of the general wow community, so the tensions cant be different at all, we are just bit more lazy here(or favor the time of our real life more) ;)

3. The general rule is always active - do not bot on account you fear to loose! Beside that - have fun!
Hello! I am a returning wow player. I have dodged the 2 biggest bans- that i know about, something most people can not say they have done. The one at may of last year and the one 4-6 months later. I have a good record of bypassing and judging how to avoid and reduce the likelihood of receiving these bans and watching for the key indicators of a likely ban and what time i should stop. As a casual botter my only objective its to get everything in the game and that so far has gone pretty well I am easily part of the top .5% of wow player on collections and this isn't all thanks to boting but is mildly thanks to botting. I haven't played wow since Halloween or Christmas of last year I believe. Got genuinely bored and moved onto playing steam games. I legitimately just got bored. Playing ark survival muh god that game was fun.

SO MY QUESTIONS IS 1. How long ago was the last detected ban wave? 2. Whats the state of honorbuddy and what of the tension between honorbuddy and the wow community?
Inb4, state of honorbuddy is same as well as the tension. yes yes wellplayed. Also because someone always posts this. Yeah I know don't bot on what you don't want to lose, thanks for the tip m8 lol. No one EVER knows when they are going to ban us. LOL. THEY WILL KEEP YOU ON THE BOOKS FOR YEARS AND YEARS THEN BAN YOU. muh sides. Etc etc.

I have been looking around, but making a thread just seems faster to catch up. Anything unusual in the past year of 2016 tells me about it cheers and thanks! Happy botting!

Pro tip: there will be a big ban wave 100% before legion launches. I can almost guarantee that. For some of us this is common logic for others... here is free candy. How you eat it is up to you and when you eat it is the bigger question.

No one can aswer this, until the next ban wave of bots... When this happens and hb users don't get massed banned then we will know boss land is back in lead of the cat and mouse game..

And the moment it's appears blizzards is winning but I'd do feel the most recent changes to the tripwire are genuine and have got blizzard at bay for now..

However this is the first time blizzard has really tuned up the pressure on botting in general the past years..

If we can get into legion and 6months into legion with out a hb banwave then I'd say boss land have won again
"1. The banwaves happened with 7 months delay - 13.05 then 16.12.2015. There was some batch bans in jan/feb but they were just several dozens, definitely not banwaves at all!"
Yeah man i found this gem out too, been putting in my botting time on main account 2 or so months after a big hit to get fishing achievements and all that jazz you never want to do by hand out of the way. Blizzard usually chills out after they blow a big load.
What i mean by tension is any1 remember when bossland removed arena from hb? for a time. Best choice they could ever make. They went back on it but the whole change was in my mind a good way to react to all the tension from honest players pvping supermen botters in arena. Now no bot would ever get ranked 1 but them kicks doe. This is a key example of a time when tensions where big. I will check with friends on wow and other sources. I generally think there are key things to look out for.

"No one can aswer this, until the next ban wave of bots... When this happens and hb users don't get massed banned then we will know boss land is back in lead of the cat and mouse game..

And the moment it's appears blizzards is winning but I'd do feel the most recent changes to the tripwire are genuine and have got blizzard at bay for now..

However this is the first time blizzard has really tuned up the pressure on botting in general the past years..

If we can get into legion and 6months into legion with out a hb banwave then I'd say boss land have won again"

First I would like to give a thanks to you guys for putting all this work into hb it must not be easy. And i agree if there is no mass banwave by legion or as you say 6 months after you surely have won. I plan to level by hand in legion and it not because i am a roleplayer. For me its waiting for the big wave avoid it and have some smart fun with the small waves. Small waves can get you if your stupid but the big wave hits people who bot sitistically unlikely botting activites. aka not bgbuddy.
I dont believe Blizz is winning.

It is a constant battle between botters and game makers. Believe it or not, it is generally the botters that are one step ahead of the a/c (anti-*****). We break their a/c, they scramble to patch the exploit. When I worked for a popular a/c group (dealing with CoD, Battlefield, and America's Army), we constantly struggled to keep up with the newest bots/hacks/exploits...