[10:29:38 PM:743] Honorbuddy 1.247 settings list
[10:29:38 PM:747] Follow Distance:1
[10:29:38 PM:751] Foodname:
[10:29:38 PM:753] Drinkname:
[10:29:38 PM:777] LootMobs: True
[10:29:38 PM:779] LootChests: False
[10:29:38 PM:781] HarvestHerbs: False
[10:29:38 PM:784] HarvestMinerals: False
[10:29:38 PM:790] SkinMobs: False
[10:29:38 PM:803] LogicType: -1
[10:29:38 PM:807] MountName:
[10:29:38 PM:810] UseMount: False
[10:29:38 PM:828] Pull Distance: 24.
[10:29:38 PM:831] Loot Radius: 45
[10:29:38 PM:836] Last Used Path: .
[10:29:45 PM:936] Plugin in folder C:\Users\Brent\Desktop\HB\HB\Plugins\Auction could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
[10:29:45 PM:944] File: Line: 0 Error: No inputs specified
Seems really simple but ive checked forums all day and tinkered and downloaded and redownloaded
all day and i dont think theres much research o could do on my own to prove myself right so i figured
id ask
PS it has been working for weeks but suddenly had this error
Thank you!
[10:29:38 PM:747] Follow Distance:1
[10:29:38 PM:751] Foodname:
[10:29:38 PM:753] Drinkname:
[10:29:38 PM:777] LootMobs: True
[10:29:38 PM:779] LootChests: False
[10:29:38 PM:781] HarvestHerbs: False
[10:29:38 PM:784] HarvestMinerals: False
[10:29:38 PM:790] SkinMobs: False
[10:29:38 PM:803] LogicType: -1
[10:29:38 PM:807] MountName:
[10:29:38 PM:810] UseMount: False
[10:29:38 PM:828] Pull Distance: 24.
[10:29:38 PM:831] Loot Radius: 45
[10:29:38 PM:836] Last Used Path: .
[10:29:45 PM:936] Plugin in folder C:\Users\Brent\Desktop\HB\HB\Plugins\Auction could not be compiled! Compiler errors:
[10:29:45 PM:944] File: Line: 0 Error: No inputs specified
Seems really simple but ive checked forums all day and tinkered and downloaded and redownloaded
all day and i dont think theres much research o could do on my own to prove myself right so i figured
id ask

PS it has been working for weeks but suddenly had this error
Thank you!